A Lecturer and a Student of Accounting of UMT Join International Conference on Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship 2015 (IcoGBSE2015

A Lecturer and a Student of Accounting of UMT Join International Conference on Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship 2015 (IcoGBSE2015

Desember 3, 2015, oleh:

A lecturer and a student of Accounting of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), namely Barbara Gunawan, S.E., M.Si., and Ressa Evans Sanjaya became a presenter of International Conference on Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship 2015 (IcoGBSE2015). They presented their research in Langkawi, Malaysia on 25-26 November 2015. Ressa informed that the IcoGBSE2015 accommodated academicians and practitioners

Dosen dan Mahasiswa Akuntansi UMY Ikuti International Conference on Global Business & Social Enterpreneurship 2015 (ICoGBSE2015)

Desember 3, 2015, oleh:

Dosen beserta Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) program studi Akuntansi, Barbara Gunawan SE, M.Si dan Ressa Evans Sanjaya berhasil berkesempatan mengikuti forum International Conference on Global Business & Social Enterpreneuship 2015 (ICoGBSE2015). Keduanya berhasil membuktikan kapasitas riset penelitiannya dalam presentasi di Langkawi, Malaysia pada 25-26 November 2015. Seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Ressa, Forum ICoGBSE2015 sendiri