
2,999 Students of UMY Perform a Community Service in 86 Villages

On Tuesday (1/8) at Sportorium, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) represented by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Sukamta, S.T., M.T., IPM officially announced that 2,999 students will perform a community service. Compared to previous community services, the number is the greatest. Bringing ‘Serving People, Creating Empowered Community’ as the theme, the students will do the community service in 86 villages of 43 districts in Yogyakarta and Central Java.

In his speech, Sukamta stated that the students who will serve the community should know the condition of the society. “There are some aspects that students need to pay attention when undertaking the community service. For instance, students have to communicate well with the society, apply their knowledge, act professionally, and understand people’s condition. Therefore, community programs should be well-implemented. Indeed, students should serve the community sincerely, and most importantly they should keep the reputation of UMY,” advised Sukamta.

Meanwhile, Head of Research, Publication, and Community Service (LP3M) Ir. Gatot Supangkat, M.P. mentioned that students will have community service in regencies of Yogyakarta and Central Java, namely Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Gunungkidul, Klaten, Magelang, Purworejo and Boyolali. “Students who will undergo the community service were given philosophical and conceptual briefing. During the community service, students indirectly develop themselves, empower community, and foster the institution. In fact, the community service is a part of Catur Sharma Perguruan TInggi (Four Principles of Higher Education) so that the program can be a medium for Muhammadiyah to contribute to community,” declared Gatot.

Besides, Head of Social and Cultural Division of the Regional Planning Board of Yogyakarta (Bappeda DIY) Dra. Sri Mulyani, M, Si. also said that many people in some regions are living in underprivileged condition. This is the impact of regional inequality in terms of natural resources and geographical condition. “I encourage the students who will mingle with the community through this community service to communicate with the local government since there will be a lot of information that can be employed to design follow-up programs to empower the community. Furthermore, poverty reduction also becomes the main focus of Bappeda DIY. Therefore, this community service concerning with either fostering community economy or empowering the community is expected to be a way to decrease the poverty rate. I also advise that students can be responsible during the community service and can become agents of change having innovation applied in the community service location,” emphasized Sri.

In addition, the Chief of Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta Bahrun Wardoyo told that the program is a medium to serve this nation and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). “I’m proud of students of KKN UMY because UMY has been a partner to develop this vilage for five years. Here, students need to show the quality of knowledge gained during the study. UMY students, indeed, should be able to become a leader of various groups of people in the community service location. I wish that students can create the  community service location as the best place to contribute to the nation,” expressed Bahrun.

Besides sending 2,999 students to perform the community service, 278 UMY students undertook Mubaligh Hijrah, 148 students did a community service in 3T (the frontier, outermost, and remote) regions, and 35 students achieved grant from Directorate General of Higher Education.