Midyear Meeting of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (RKTT-UMY) 2015 was somewhat different. It discussed accomplishment of activity and budget as well as Internal Academic Quality Audit (AMAI) UMY. In this occasion Rector of UMY launched 4 new programs and presented the form and implementation of the programs.
Those 4 programs are International Competitiveness Program, Radio Frequency Identity System (RFID), Online Officialdom Information System, and 90 Fast Internet Hot Spots. Each program would be prepared from February to May 2015 and expected to undertake entirely. The RKTT taking place in Meeting Hall of A.R. Fachruddin UMY was attended by all chairs, bureau heads, and entire directors of UMY units.
“For International Competitiveness, we have to imitate Swiss. The international competiveness through scientific articles has been carries out by Swiss since ten years ago. It is expected that all lecturers who get the duty need not doubt to go abroad joining program of International Research Collaboration. We wait for souvenirs, but they are neither chocolate nor pens. They are your articles published on international journal,” conveyed Bambang.
Besides Rector, Vice Rector III Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, S.T., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D. stated that the international competitiveness program should focus on International Research Collaboration of several aspects supporting international competitiveness. The program was conducted since a requirement of being lecturers is getting increase. DIKTI determined that professors ought to publish at least an article on international journal accredited by SCOPUS. Thus, the requirement would not hamper the lecturers’ carrier.
“Staffs would be sent to our affiliation universities listed in 500 accredited international universities by Q-Star. The activity would be conducting a research with professors there, and who would be sent is lecturers having researches. They are not lecturers writing a journal from the beginning. They would be like doing internship and would be funded for 3 weeks. Then, they would be asked whether or not the research is published. Unless the research is published, the fund should be returned since it is a demand. The budget is maximally 300 billion,” told Sri Atmaja.
Moreover, Vice Rector II UMY Dr. Suryo Pratolo, M.Si., Akt., C.A., AAP added the explanation of RFID system program turning the foremost attention of internal university safety system. It would be recorded electronically through a basis data. RFID technology would be developed in electronic parking system, the number of academicians coming at collage, lecturer attendance, and university environment safety. It was expected that it could be enlarged in safety of every room entrance at UMY.
“Therefore, all students should wear a RFID-Red card so that they are not UMY students if they do not wear it. The card is for entering and leaving the university. If the card is on the bag or wallet, it would also be detected so that the vehicle entrance would be automatically open. The police number of vehicle would emerge on a computer in the entrance. Unless the gate is automatically open, the security would look at the identity. Later, we would create a card for guests, lecturers, and staffs. It has only been for students,” explained Suryo.
In Program of Fast Internet Access University Secretary Ir. Nafi Ananda Utama, M.S. elucidated that fast internet network with 90 units of internet network series is divided into three hotspots, namely “UMY Faculty” for lecturers, “UMY Student” for students, and “UMY Guest” for guests visiting UMY.
“We wish that 90 Hot Spots would accommodate fast internet need of UMY academicians. If it is considered deficient, it would be elevated. It is very essential since almost all systems need internet connection,” continued Nafi.