
Security of KRI 2015 Is Tightened


Saturday (13/6) is the third day of Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) 2015. The contest its self would begin today as there were technical meeting and running test yesterday. Several participants came to Sportorium at 6 am to prepare the contest. Before the opening ceremony, the first round of several contest categories has been started as Indonesia Art Robot Contest (KRSI) and Indonesia Fire Fighting Robot Contest (KRPAI) for wheeled and walking division.

Security for Sportorium has been tightening since morning. All participants, supervisors, and committee who would enter the contest venue must use and scan their Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) at the main door, while the committee and spectators who did not have RFID would enter Sportorium from the west front door of Sportorium. The spectator door would be opened at 7 am so that they would not bother participants who prepare their robot.

There would be only two doors to enter the Sportorium, namely the main door for participants, judges, and the committee having RFID and the west front door for supporters. Moreover, the west stairs to go to Media Center have been blocked and are forbidden to use.

For spectators who will enter hall should bring a ticket sold in ticket counter in front of Sportorium. The ticket costs 30 thousand rupiahs for a day and 50 thousand rupiahs for two days.

The tight security is in order that KRI could run well since, if everybody may access to the contest arena, it might bother the contest. The contest might not be conducive and very crowded. Thus, the tight security is established for the pleasure of participants, judges, and guests.

There are some regulations for spectators to come to the arena. They might not bring weapon, alcohol, music instrument, glass bottle, food and beverage. Before they enter Sportorium, security team would check each spectator’s bag. They are also forbidden to bring food and beverage to keep the hall clean.