
Umpires of ABU Robocon 2015 Have Spent 2 Year for the Preparation


A committee of ABU Robocon 2015, from both Indonesia and Tokyo-Japan, has been arranging many aspects to succeed the contest conducted on Saturday-Monday (22-24/8) at Sportorium of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). Eleven umpires also have had preparation for monitoring the contest. In fact, they have spent years doing the preparation.

The umpire of ABU Robocon 2015 Ir. Wahidin Wahab, M.Sc., Ph.D. was interviewed on Friday (21/8) at Sportorium of UMY. He told that all umpires needed two years for the preparation. “One of the preparations was carried out in regional robot contest in 4 areas of Indonesia and Indonesia Robot Contest (KRI) on June. The contests become our evaluation to arrange the game system geld on Sunday. Besides, various contest techniques have been well-prepared,” he informed.

Being umpires in regional robot contests can be a reflection to arrange this international robot contest. “Some of the significant evaluations are the preparation of the team that will compete as well as rules and regulations which the participants have not comprehended yet. Thus, there will be addenda regarding the rules and regulation during the game,” conveyed Wahidin. He inserted that there will be four rounds in the contest, namely preliminary round, quarter final, semi final, and final. “In the preliminary round, the participants will be divided into six groups and the winner of each group will pass to the next round,” he asserted.

Wahidin confessed that the preparation of umpires has been 100%. “We will handle the game maximally, and supporting preparations have also been undertaken. May the game run well,” he expected.

Additionally, in the contest, Indonesia sends two teams from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Politeknik Batam. “May Indonesian teams be able to compete well and be the winner. It is also expected that all participants can contest professionally,” he ended.