
ABU Robocon 25 Attracts a 95-Year-Old Man

A great number of people displayed their enthusiasm about ABU Robocon 2015. The contests successfully attracted all ages and levels to come and see the robo-badminton game at Sportorium of Unversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). In fact, a 95-year-old man Imam Marzuki with his daughter and son registered as the contest audience on D-Day, Sunday (23/8) at Sportorium of UMY.

His daughter stated that she was willing to see the game with her father. “Indeed, Bapak lives in Solo, but today he came visiting his children in Jogja. And, I know there is a robot contest so that I invited his to watch it. It may be the entertainment of our holiday,” she told.

Besides, in the Asia-Pacific robot contests, a lot of elementary students could be found sitting in audience arena and they looked enthusiastic seeing the game. It is assumed that the number of spectators was about more than two thousands. The number was elevating although the contest had begun for few hours. In fact, the contest was free in charge and the spectators only have to show their identity card or passport to have a bracelet as an entrance ticket.

Additionally, the Asia-Pacific robot contest was conducted by ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), and Indonesia was selected as the host. Joining the contest were 19 teams of 18 countries. The atmosphere of the game got enlivening when Indonesian badminton legends, Susi Susanti and Alan Budi Kusuma played badminton with a contest robot in the opening. The other entertainment was also performed by a drum band of palace soldiers.