
Understanding Impacts of HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse, and Smoking Is Necessary to Create Bright Generation


Many people, particularly youths, are not aware of the impacts of the HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, and smoking. They often neglect the impacts due to life style demand. To improve morals of youths, Student Executive Board (BEM KM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) organized a seminar of health ‘Creating Intellectual Young Generation to Prevent Impacts of HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse, and Smoking. The seminar was conducted on Sunday (27/12) at Sportorium of UMY.

According to Chairperson of National Narcotics Agency of DIY (BNNP) Soertarmono D.S., S.E., M.Si., the research of BNN and Health Research Center of University of Indonesia (Puslitkes UI) revealed that 27.32% of the prevalence of drug abuse in Indonesia was pupils and students, counted for 5.9 million people. “Noticing the fact, BNN attempts to perform ‘Demand Reduction and Supply Reduction’, a policy of prevention and countermeasure. The law regarding narcotics and addictive substances also has been established like Law No. 35/2009 on Narcotics and Law No.36/2009 on Health,” he informed.

Soetarmono inserted that BNN has provided various facilities to prevent the drug abuse. “For instance, BNN conducted seminar, workshop, discussion, show, art and cultural festival, outbound, jamboree, camp, trekking, speech competition, footpath, writing song competition, scientific writing competition, dissemination, technical assistance and counseling of drug impacts,” he mentioned.

Indonesia has become the main target of narcotic distribution so that the demand reduction should be comprehensive and should focus on how to stop distribution bringing negative impacts on this nation. “Drug abuse occurs to not only adults but also children at elementary school. Therefore, demand reduction through precautionary and rehabilitation becomes the foremost priority. It has begun reducing the narcotic demand by ‘Rehabilitation Movement for 100 Drug Abusers’”, he stated.

Besides narcotics distribution, free sex among youths has been an issue to concern. One of the seminar speakers dr. Rizal Alaydrus, CSN conveyed the causes of free sex among youths are as their disappointment expression, failure of internalizing norms, and mentally disorder. “It will escalate the number of contagions due to free sex, crimes, and divorce,” he said.

Several ways to prevent free sex among youths are becoming honest to themselves, changing views of understanding of friendship, thinking of future, and getting married to diminishing the impacts of free sex. “The ways will work because the data showed that the AIDS transmission in Indonesia respectively ensued to people of the age of 30-39 years old (42%), 20-29 years old (36.9%), and 40-49 (13.1%),” he told.