
Communication Science Students of UMY Launch Books


Communication Science students concentrating on Broadcasting of batch 2013 of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) discussed and launched a book condemning television programs. The book was written based on their assignments of Law and Ethics of Mass Media. Helding on Saturday (9/1) at Telkomsel Building of Loop Station, there were two books launched, namely ‘Televisial (Merayakan Budaya Menonton, Membaca Program Televisi’ and ‘Televishit JNCK (Jikalau Nonton Cermati dan Kritisi). In fact, the activity compiling students’ assignments on a book has been conducted since 2008.

Chief of the book launching Lussy Mentary told that the books are critics of broadcasting students of UMY on television programs. “The books are the compilation of students’ assignments criticizing television programs which are not educative and informative for public. Indeed, political interests and the owners of media impact on the programs,” she stated.

Besides, a lecturer of Law and Ethics of Mass Media conveyed, “The book writing aims at training students to always work and be critical on media, particularly television. It also points at encouraging students to be more productive. Indeed, several books by broadcasting students of UMY are in National Library of Autralia. It is in line with UMY’s tagline ‘Muda Mendunia’.”

A medium observer of Remotivi Holy Ravika, a member of NGO of ‘Masyarakat Peduli Media (MPM) Anugerah Pambudi Wicaksono, book editors Hari Setiawan and Lintang were invited in the discussion. Holy argued, “Public has not been aware that the television frequency entirely belongs to them, but the fact is that media control the frequency through displaying entertainment programs. Hence, public should be critical of the television programs, and should not be fooled.”

Pamudi inserted that public needs media literacy so that the programs will not deceive them. The strength of media literacy is on research, and the power of public perception was on a program. “We have to perform media literacy movement together. One of the ways is through reading books of broadcasting students of UMY because the books explained the condition of media nowadays and infringements of media on a program,” he recommended.