To foster health care, Universtias Muhammaiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) cooperated with Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). UMY is the first university in Indonesia collaborating with the BPJS Kesehatan to make health card for students. The program promoted by government may bring positive impacts on the students and staff.
In a promotion of BPJS for UMY’s students and staffs at meeting hall of A.R. Fachruddin A, floor 5 on Thursday (28/1), Vice Chancellor II of UMY, Dr. Suryo Praolo, M.Si., Akt. expected, “May this BPJS assist students to obtain health care.”
Head of Marketing Department of BPJS Kesehatan Yogyakarta, Daru Kristian Nugroho also attended the event and stated, “Students from another town will undergo difficulty if they do not have health insurance in Yogyakarta. By holding BPJS card, students will be easy to gain health care in where they study.
Daru informed that students will be registered collectively as a self-participant that the collective registration is only for the retired of an institution and students. “If the registration is with the family, each member of the family must have virtual account for the payment. However, BPJS for students will only have one virtual account-owned university to pay all registered students,” he explained.
The BPJS is for students only without their family. Daru inserted that one of the requirements is that the students have not registered BPJS yet with their family. “Thus, students to be registered are whose parents are not staffs or do not BPJS card yet,” he emphasized.
BPJS proposed by UMY is level III with consideration that the monthly payment will be quite inexpensive. Daru, however, recommended UMYs party to use level II so that, when students are sick, they will get health care of level II. In fact, health care of level II is better that health care of level III. The recommendation will be discussed by UMY since the monthly payment will be somewhat greater.
In addition, Sigit Haryo Yudanto from Career Development of UMY (CDC) of UMY wished that the program can be applied soon, especially for new students of batch 2016. “In December 2015, UMY and BPJS signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), and before April the MoU can be implemented,” Sigit told.
The cooperation between UMY and BPJS is also expected to optimize the function of the clinic of UMY, located in the ground of Lapangan Bintang. “It is expected that UMY’s clinic can become Pratama clinic, and be the first health access for students besides Firdaus clinic,” Sigit hoped.
The BPJS Kesehatan of UMY’s students will also cooperated with PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping as the hospital for students holding BPJS card in emergency. “Hence, the students will receive particularity to access the PKU Muhammadiyah which in regional regulation is included in the area of Sleman city. The students will no longer go to PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul which is quite far from UMY,” Sigit conveyed.