
HIMA FE UMY Conducts International Accounting Week 2016


Accounting Student Association of Economic Faculty (HIMA FE) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) organized International Accounting Week (IAW) 2016 from Tuesday (1/3) to Thursday (17/3). The schedules of IAW 2016 are call for paper and student debate, Accounting Olympiad, and international seminar with an Australian keynote speaker.

Chief of the IAW 2016, Rio Sudarman informed that the teams joining the debate competition are from UMY, UGM, UNAIR, UNSOED, and UNISSULA. While, Accounting Olympiad is divided into categories, namely high school level and university level, and the Olympiad will be conducted on 6-7 March 2016. “In the first day, participants will have a written test. They have to answer accounting exercises and cases, and then three teams will be selected to go to the next rounds in the next day,” Rio explained.

The theme of IAW 2016 is ‘Forensic Accounting in Ethic’ which refers to fraud disclosure of financial agencies or companies.

The schedule of the first day of IAW 2016 was call for essay for high school students and university. Of all participants sending their essay was selected. There were five elected high school students and five elected university students. “Ten students were invited to present their writing, and then the best essay came to be the winner for each level,” Rio stated.

The university students were from UMY, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Wiwaha Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang, and Universitas Bung Hatta Sumatera Barat. Besides, the high school students were from MA N 6 Yogyakarta, SMA N 79 Jakarta, SMK N 1 Wonosari, and SMK 1 Muhammadiyah Wonosari. “The juries were two Accounting lecturers of UMY, namely Peni Nugraheni, S.E., M.Sc., Ak. C.A. and Hafiez Sofyani S.E., M.Sc.,” Rio mentioned.

The winner of the call for essay for university level was Syafriana Fadillah from UNISSULA, and the winner for high school student was Febiola Aurora Salsabila from SMA N 6 Yogyakarta. Hafidz stated that the scoring was based on the essay content, and their presentation. “We give the grade based on the writing originality, argumentation when presentation, and the order of essay presentation,” Hafiez explained. The winners achieved awards and price.