
Evaluating AEC 2015, Indonesia Should Be Well-Prepared for AEC 2025


Many people argued that Indonesia is not adequately prepared for confronting ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 begun since 31 December 2015. The information of AEC in 2014 seemed sudden and unwell-spread. Indonesia ought to evaluate and be well prepared for facing AEC 2025 which will focus on specific pillars.

In a Focus Group Discussion ‘Policy Recommendation Arrangement of ASEAN Study Center Roles in Confronting ASEAN Economic Community 2015’ at meeting hall of International Relations of UMY on Thursday (3/3), Director of ASEAN Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, Ina H. Krisnamurthi mentions several different concerns between AEC 2015 and AEC 2025. AEC 2015 focuses on single market and production base, competitive economic region, equitable economic development, and integration into global economy. On the other hand, AEC 2025 concerns with a highly integrated and cohesive economy; a competitive, innovative, and dynamic ASEAN; enhanced connectivity and Sectoral Cooperation; a resilient, inclusive, and people-oriented, people-centered ASEAN, a global ASEAN.

“Indonesia should evaluate all preparation for confronting AEC 2015 and lack of promotion of AEC to all Indonesian people. To encounter AEC 20125, first, the first pillar of AEC 2025, a highly integrated and cohesive economy,” Ina stated. AEC is a study of not only International Relations and Economics but also other fields like Animal Husbandry, Maritime, and others.

ASEAN pillars and law were supposed to be promoted to officials, while the promotion to public was supposed to concentrate on technical aspects of AEC and practical preparation to face AEC. Thailand, for instance, has well-prepared strategies to confront AEC like teaching ASEAN to Thai people several years before AEC 2015 was started.

Second, there should be a curriculum of ASEAN learning. A course of ASEAN is a compulsory for International Relations, but ASEAN study should turn into multi-study that students of all departments should learn. “Thus, ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook should be created as a teaching reference of elementary and high school to establish outward-looking, stable, peace, and prosperous ASEAN community. The sourcebook creating aims at assisting students to find out the interconnection among ASEAN community, understanding relationship of ASEAN community to be able to share ideas and to respect distinctive views, and being innovative to seek to cooperation to look at joint goals and better future,” Inna conveyed.

Last, there should be national communication strategy arrangement to raise awareness of AEC 20125. “In fact, social media rapidly develop. Information does not come to us, but we have to enhance the willingness to look for information. Therefore, strategies of how to communicate AEC 2025 well are necessary,” Ina ended.