After signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Research Center for Physics of Indonesia Institute id Sciences (P2 Fisika LIPI) on Tuesday (12/4), Engineering Faculty (FT) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) signed MoU with PT Indonesia Power Unit Pembangkitan Mrica, Banjarnegara, central Java which is a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero) in power plants.
The undersigned of MoU was General Manager PT Indonesia Power-UP Mrica, Sigit Arieftiatmoko, and Dean of FT of UMY, Jazaul Ikhsan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. and was undertaken at Stadium General hall of Engineering Faculty of UMY. The Dean stated that in this competitive era an institution should be able to cooperate with other institution. “Through the cooperation, the institutions can share knowledge and experiences like what Engineering Faculty of UMY and PT Indonesia Power perform,” Jazaul conveyed.
The faculty has informally cooperated with Indonesia power as a number of students of Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering carried out an internship in the Indonesia Power-UP Mrica. “Engineering Faculty of UMY visited Indonesia Power, then the MoU was officially signed,” told Jazaul.
He informed that Indonesia Power manages not only UP Mrica but also Gajah Mungkur and others. “Therefore, Indonesia Power can be the subject of the final project of students of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. It is expected that the cooperation will benefit both parties,” Jazaul wished.
The cooperation focused on students’ placement, internship, and the internship report. Based on the MoU, Indonesia Power’s responsibilities are supporting the internship, supervising the internship participants, and providing the internship certificate.
General Manager of PT Indonesia Power Unit Pembangkit Merica, Sigit Ariefiatmoko warmly welcomed the cooperation. He uttered that, even though the MoU is only dealing with an internship, he expected that the cooperation could run more technically. “May this cooperation contribute to developing Indonesia particularly fostering efficient and environmentally friendly power plants,” Sigit hoped.
After signing the MoU, Sigit Arieftiatmoko delivered a public lecturer of Generator Management. “According to John Woodhouse, management refers to a set of discipline, methods, procedures, and tools to optimize business impacts of cost, performance, and risk exposure (regarding availability, efficiency, quality, age, and regulation obedience) of company physical assets,” Sigit elucidated.
He also presented that asset management in generator management encompasses four assets, namely knowledge asset, physical asset, human asset, and capital asset. “Physical asset comprises system performance, tools, and facilities, knowledge asset consists of strategies and business plan, working management, and procedures, human asset contains leadership system, skills and capability, autonomy, and team work, and capital asset embraces budget allocation in regard to business strategies and targets.
The other concern of generator management is dealing with inventory management, reliability management, operation management, efficiency management, and risk management. “The risk management focuses on safety. In the generator management, maintaining safety can be done by minimizing or diminishing risks,” Sigit ended.