
Al-Qur’an Is More than Just a Reading


Al-Qur’an is supposed to be more than just a reading. Muslims should contemplate and understand the contents and meaning. It will get perfect if people attempt to memorize Al-Qur’an since it will maintain people when getting down.

In a lecture of AL-Qur’an Festival at Sportorium of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Thursday (11/8), Ustadz Yusuf Mansur (YM) commenced the lecture by requiring the participants to recite verse 35 of Al-Qasas. The verse told Prophet Musa’s miracle that his staff turned into a snake. However, Al-Qur’an is a miracle till the end of the day.

“We cannot see Prophet Musa’s staff because it was the miracle in that time. We now possess Al-Qur’an. Reciting and memorizing Al-Qur’an will ease and comfort our life,” YM declared.

Allah will show unpredictable ways to resolve every barrier. “Who are able to memorize Al-Qur’an will obtain easiness in their life. “Memorizing Al-Qur’an cannot be performed one, it should be done continuously like life which always goes on. If everyone makes a friend with Al-Qur’an and enjoy Al-Qur’an, Allah will surprise them beautifully,” he conveyed.

He analogized 6000 verses of Al-Qur’an is a staff. The more verses someone can memorize, the longer the staff is. “It is like Prophet Musa’s staff mentioned on verse 35 of Al-Qasas. Everyone should make the staff not only longer but also smooth. It means that the way of Al-Qur’an recitation should be enhanced and have spaced distinctly,” he asserted.