
UMY Earns the Grand Champion


The first Al-Qur’an Festival of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah-affiliated universities organized by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) was officially closed on Thursday (11/8). UMY successfully became the grand champion. Announced by chief of judges, Drs. H. Abdul Usman, M.Si, UMY achieved seven gold medals, five silver medals, and two bronze medals.

In detail, for Tilawatil Qur’an competition of the male category, the 1st place wad was Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, the 2nd place was UMY, and the 3rd place was Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). While, for the female category of the similar competition, UM Sumatera Utara finished in the 1st place, UMY in the 2nd place, and Institut Agama Islam Muhammadiyah (IAIM) Bima, NTB, in the 3rd place.

For Tartil Qur’an competition of the male category, UM Palembang took the 1st place followed by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) and UMY. Whereas, for the female category of this competition, UMY was the winner followed by IAIM Bima, and UM Magelang. For Hifdzul Qur’an competition of 1 Juz of the male category, Mardiyanyah from UMY became the winner followed by Munawaruddin from UHAMKA as the runner up, and Fernando from UM Palembang as the second runner up. For the female category of the same competition, Salma Karimah from UMY finished the 1st place followed by Farah Laila from UMM, and Diah Permatasari from UM Sumut.

Besides, M. Zaid Adnan from UAD was the winner of Hifdzul Qur’an competition of 5 Juz for the male category followed by Ari S. from UMY, and Ramadhan from IAIM Bima. For the female category of this competition, Ratih Eka from UMY finished the 1st place, Aisyah Izzatunnisa from UAD in the 2nd place, and Abniar T. from UM Sumut in the 3rd place.

Ruzmin Mulyadi Situmeang from UM Sumut became the winner of Hifdzul Qur’an competition of 10 Juz for the male category, followed by Muh, Alfarisi from UM Surakarta as the runner up, and Hamzah from UMY as the second runner up. While, the winner of Hifdzul Qur’an competition of 10 Juz for the female category was Fathihaturrahmah followed by Qonita Lilla from UMY and Sahliyah Sakinati from UM Surakarta.

Representing UMY, A. Syahid Robbani finished the 1st place of Hifdzul Qur’an competition of 15 Juz for the male category followed by Afifi Akbar from UM Jakarta as the runner up, and Ahmad Azhari from UM Surakarta as the 2nd runner up. Whereas, for the female category of this competition, UMM turned the winner represented by Dewi Nurdiyah followed by Maulidia Sakinah from UM Jakarta in the 2nd place and Anjarwati from UM Surabaya in the 3rd place. For Hifdzul Qur’an competition of 30 Juz for the male category, Muhammad Ima from UM Purwokerto successfully achieved the 1st place, Anang Hidayanto from UM Sidoarjo was in the 2nd place, and Ihsan Dwi Cahyo from UM Surakarta was in the 3rd place.

UMY also gained the 1st place for Syarhil Qur’an competition followed by UM Sumut and UM Malang as the runner up and the second runner up respectively. For Fahmul Qur’an, the winner was UM Surakarta, the runner up was UMM, and the second runner up was UM Mataram. The last competition of the festival was calligraphy competition for male category that the winner was UMY followed by UM Jakarta and UMM. Whereas, for female category of this competition, UM Palembang finished the first place followed by UMY in the 2nd place, and UM Surakarta in the 3rd place.

Additionally, the festival was officially closed by chairperson of Muhammadiyh, dr. H. Agus Taufiqurrohman, M.Kes., Sp.S. He congratulated the success of the festival since the event showed enthusiasm to study and understand Al-Qur’an. “Moreover, the contents of Al-Qur’an should be applied. May this festival encourage us to learn, comprehend, and implement Al-Qur’an,” he told.

He wished that the festival may be conducted in the next coming years. “This event is not supposed to be held once. Every Muslim dreams that the leader of their country are excellent at reciting Al-Qur’an and are able to be an imam of Ied prayer. We also want to the imam of Jum’at prayer is our ministries due to their capability of reciting and understanding Al-Qur’an. The era is yours (students’ era). You will be in the position substitution today’s country leaders. Thus, the dream of baldatun toyyibatun wa rabbun ghofur may come true because of you who are tremendous at reciting, learning, and implementing Al-Qur’an,” he ended.