
Yogie Maharesi: Chief of KAUMY of Period 2016-2020


National Congress (MUNAS) of Alumni Association of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (KAUMY) was conducted on Saturday-Sunday (13-14/8) at A.R. Fachruddin B of UMY. It was attended by hundreds of alumni, and one of the schedules was arranging a new organizational structure of KAUMY of period 2016-2020. The election was held on Sunday (14/8) and the new organizational structure was Yogie Maharesi as Chief, Dede Haris Sumarno and Gintoro as Deputy Chief, H. Aready as Secretary General, Rita Kusumawati as Trasurer, and Nugroho Noto Susanto as Head of Division.

The new structure was inaugurated by Masri Amin as the chief congress. While, the handing over of the chief of KAUMY was by the previous chief, Drs. Husni Amriyanto, M.Si. Yogie Maharesi is active in organizations. During his study at Management Department of Economics Faculty of UMY, he joined Islamic Student Association (HMI) and became the chief of HMI of UMY, chief of HMI of Yogyakarta, and chief of Coordination Body of the middle area of Indonesia.

Moreover, Yogies born on 2nd September 1980 was also active in other organizations such as chief of Raja Lebong Student Association (KMPRL) of Yogyakarta, and chief of Bengkulu Student Association of Yogyakarta. He also possessed a lot of working experiences like Senior Manager of Indonesia Commissioner and Director Body, Manager of the National Commission of Governance Policy (KNKG), Strategic Relations Head of PT KDK Technologies focusing on energy, mining, and information technology, and Executive Director of World Young Leaders Conference (WYLC) pioneered by 30 Indonesian youths from different backgrounds and professions.