
Students Need to Prepare for a Certification Program

Some students accomplishing their undergraduate program are required to take a certification program to prepare themselves for a job which they will have. Thus, they should be ready for the certification as early as possible.

In Seminar on Skill Certification to Enhance Employability of Graduates and Engineer Profession attended by students of University of Lalangbua (UNLA) Bandung on Friday (7/4), Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Dr. Ir. Sukamta, M.T., IPM said that an individual’s competence can be noticed from her certificate. This statement was delivered in Seminar on Skill Certification to Enhance Employability of Graduates and Engineer Profession.

“Our certificates will tell other people about our ability. If we only speak without any certificates, no one will trust us. Moreover, it has been a demand in globalization era to fulfill global standards. If we categorize the standards, there are four standards. The first is a professional standard for accountants, teachers, lecturers, and doctors. The second is a product standard. The third is system standard is system. Last, it is performance standard,” mentioned Sukamta in the seminar which was followed by MoU signing between Faculty of Engineering of UMY  and UNLA Bandung.

Indeed, the profession standard is also determined someone’s position and salary. “Competency is a result of knowledge added by skills and behaviors. Someone who only has knowledge without skills and experience sometimes is not competent.  People must have these to be competent,” Said sukamta.

The importance of certification, explained by Sukamta, is to fulfill the AEC demands. “All the graduates must have certificate because they will deal with many challenges especially due to the AEC. In Jakarta, there are many foreign workers such as from the People’s Republic of China. Thus, Bachelor of Engineering are expected to pursue their certification program to hold Engineer Certification (Ir.). In 2015, there engineers from Indonesia but also ASEAN countries who compete in national companies,” emphasized Sukamta.