Islamic Study and Practice Body (LPPI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Management Committee of Masjid K.H. Ahmad Dahlan conducted a series of activities under the theme ‘Ramadhan di Kampus’ (Ramadhan at Campus). Both parties collaborated with Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) of UMY, Jamaah Al-Anhar (JAA) of UMY, and Tilawatil Qur’an Development Body (LPTQ) of UMY as executors.
Chief of the activities Feri Fauzi, an Electrical Engineering student of batch 2014, told that ‘Ramadhan di Kampus’ was an annual event. “This Ramadhan we divide the activities into pre-Ramadhan and while Ramadhan. The pre-Ramadhan consisted of Ramadhan sermons on 22-24 May after dzuhur, while activities during Ramadhan are breaking fast, tarawih prayer, pre-dawn meal, and i’tikaf,” he mentioned.
In detail, the event comprises of pre-Ramadhan on 22 May-2 June, Ramadhan sermons after dzuhur on 27 May – 21 June, and sermons before breaking fast, tarawih prayed and Al-Qur;an recitation, ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh) space with LAZISMU, and pre-dawn meal on 27 May – 15 June. Other two big events are a donation for orphans on 11 June and tahajud prayer in congregation on 15 June. Afterwards, it will be ended by i’tikaf on 16-20 June.
The ‘Ramadhan di Kampus’ aims at encouraging academicians of UMY to engage in positive activities at a university mosque. “LPPI committee expects that people can be familiar with the mosque. The event is also to promote that a mosque is not only a worship place to pray and to recite Al-Qur’an but also a place to learn and have a discussion,” asserted Feri.
Indeed, students’ enthusiasm for the activities is quite high. On Tuesday afternoon (30/5), a lot of students attended tahsin (a sermon of how to recite Al-Qur’an) while waiting for maghrib. “Alhamdulillah, the students are enthusiastic. They come to a sermon before maghrib and pre-dawn meal together. At the beginning of Ramadhan, the committee got difficulties since they did not expect that the congregation was overwhelmed. We would have an evaluation of today’s activity,” ended Feri.