
Mataf of UMY 2017, Din Syamsuddin and Hanafi Rais Encourage Freshmen to Be Intellectual and Brave


It is a tradition for Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) to conduct a student orientation day (Masa Ta’aruf Mataf ). To welcome new students, UMY invited Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsuddin, MA and Ahmad Hanafi Rais, S. I. P., M. P. P. as speakers in the Mataf on Monday (21/8) at Sportorium of UMY. Both speakers encouraged the students to become an intellectual and courageous person to make changes to this nation.

Din stated that the students should be an intellectual person contributing to this country. “You officially become a part of UMY which is one of the best universities in Indonesia accredited ‘A’. Thus, you are required to be intellectuals referring to a person who is able to think critically, observe problems in society, and then propose a solution. Based on this description, one of the characteristics of intellectuals is thinking critically. They will put their mind and rationality, not emotion. They also tend to observe and research why a problem occur. Afterwards, they reflect and attempt to find a solution. Being a problem solver should become your goal, and you may not be the source of the problem,” he emphasized.

Din informed that Islam teaches us to be able to think critically as reflected in the term ‘ulul albab.’ “The Qur’an invites us to be thoughtful and intelligent people. Allah mentions afalaa tatafakkaruun and afalaa ta’qiluun. In addition, there is the term ulul albab meaning a person who is able to merge intellectual and spiritual abilities. They are individuals who are able to dzikir (pray) to God whenever they are and whatever they do, as well as to think about what is going on in the world. That is what should be your role model because you can arrange your future with the principle,” maintained Din.

Meanwhile, Hanafi Rais also encouraged the new students to be a brave person. “I wish that you can undertake Mr. Din’s advce. I want to share what happened in 1998 that Indonesia experienced a new chapter, the reform era, changing the Indonesian political system. The reform required enormous enthusiasm and encouragement to demand authoritarian regime to be a democratic one. The result was freedom and everything that we enjoy today. It is all the result of the courage of a group of people,” he told.

“Hence, I expect 5000 new students of UMY students to be brave. I want you to grow a sense of courage to fight injustice. Our belief in God is a source of our courage to resist laziness and procrastination. Work and obtain a lot of achievements. Do not waste your time at this university because what you need to be successful is to be brave,” motivated Hanafi.