
UMY Released 1900 Students to Regular and International Social Services

In order to fulfill one of the elements of the catur dharma of Muhammadiyah Colleges, namely community service, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) once again fielded as many as 1900 students into 3 types of Social Services program (KKN) namely, Regular Social Services, International Social Services and International Out Bound Social Services. This time, the KKN participants will be placed in 184 locations in 2 provinces, namely the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java. The Special Region of Yogyakarta consists of Gunung Kidul, Bantul, Sleman, and Kulon Progo Regencies. Meanwhile, the Central Java province consists of Pemalang, Boyolali, Wonosobo, Magelang, Kebumen Regencies. In addition, the International KKN will be performed in 2 countries, namely Singapore and Malaysia.

In his opening remarks, Rector of UMY Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P, IPM. said that there is no need to carry too many Social Services programs. “Based on our previous experience, KKN participants usually become overwhelmed by many programs that were not implemented. We hope that the KKN participants will bring the right amount of programs and instead empower the village programs that already exist in the location,” he said in the Regular and International Social Service Release Ceremony on  Tuesday, (31 / 12) in the Sportorium building of the UMY Central Campus.

The KKN in UMY is a tradition that has undergone several evaluations in their implementation. In its latest concept, the UMY KKN program will be included in the Mitra Desa concept, where the activities will be included in one of the Mitra Desa community activities. “As the organizer of community service, I feel like there is a need for a community service roadmap that is integrated with the concept of community service tridharma that is measurable and has a clear outcome,” said Head of the UMY Office of Research, Publication, Publishing and Social Services (LP3M) Dr. Gatot Supangkat.

“Students will learn to understand, learn with the community and become friends with the community. Through this program, you will learn how to lead the country in the future, because future leaders must understand the conditions of their people. A village is a miniature condition of this country. if the village is prosperous, then God willing the country is also advanced, “added Gatot. (Ads)