
Environmental Issues are the Cause of Natural Disasters in Indonesia

Most of Indonesia’s population lives in disaster-prone areas, and based on calculations from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) almost all regions of Indonesia have the potential to be affected by extreme weather. This means that all of Indonesia’s 285 million people need education regarding disaster management and the right strategy to deal with it. This became the point of BNPB’s concentration when delivering the material ‘National Disaster Management Strategies in Indonesia’ at the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) National Working Meeting (MDMC) in the AR Building. Fachruddin B 5th Floor of UMY Integrated Campus, Friday (31/1).

Head of the BNPB Disaster Mitigation Subdivision, Muhamad Robi Amri, explained that Indonesia is the second most affected country in the earthquake category after China. This makes the death toll of earthquake victims in Indonesia quite high. “Statistics recorded by the BNPB show that there are a lot of casualties, both dead and missing, from 2009-2018, namely 11 thousand people. So we need serious anticipation and treatment to reduce the number of victims with good knowledge of disaster management,” he said.

However, in general, disaster events that often occur and become the main focus in Indonesia are Hydrometeorological disasters or disaster events that include floods, tornadoes, landslides, and extreme weather. The root of the problem of Hydrometeorological disasters is the environment, which is caused by irresponsible human hands. This includes large-scale lumber industries in Indonesia’s forests, river pollution, to Indonesia becoming the second largest plastic waste producing country in the world.

“According to experts, the cause of Hydrometeorological disasters is environmental. One can see this from the rate of deforestation that reaches 1.5 million hectares per year in Indonesia. 2,145 watersheds were damaged, and the rivers in Indonesia were polluted by domestic wastes. This is a worrying issue, as many of the disasters that have occurred lately as a result of this occurred without our awareness and can have long-term impacts. Because of this, the environment has become the concentration of BNPB at this time, which if not heeded will have a harmful impact on future generations, “added Robi.

Sementara itu, pendekatan-pendekatan yang coba dilakukan oleh BNPB yang disampaikan oleh Robi terkait dengan penanggulangan bencana untuk lima tahun ke depan, adalah dengan meningkatkan tata kelola resiko bencana yang ada, kolaborasi pentahelix atau dengan melibatkan semua pihak. Karena bencana bukan tanggung jawab bersama melainkan bencana adalah urusan kita bersama, sertamemperhatikan laju perkembangan teknologi dengan adaptasi industri 4.0 yang baik. “Resiko bencana akan tetap ada selama kita beraktifitas, tapi dengan kesiapan dan monitoring, kita semua berharap bisa mengurangi resiko itu. Ke depan BNPB memiliki rencana dengan dukungan pemerintah pusat dan daerah untuk mewujudkan pariwisata aman bencana, keluarga tangguh bencana, dan hari kesiapsiagaan sebagai langkah antisipasi menganggulangi bencana. Dengan harapan masyarakat memahami betul kondisi lingkungan mereka sendiri,” tutupnya. (Hbb)

Meanwhile, the BNPB approaches that are submitted by Robi regarding disaster management for the next five years include improving existing disaster risk management, done through pentahelix collaborations or by involving all parties. Because disaster is not a shared responsibility but disaster is our common concern, as well as paying attention to the pace of technological development by adapting the 4.0 industrial revolution. “Risk of disasters will remain as long as we are active, but with readiness and monitoring, we hope to reduce that risk. In the future, BNPB has a plan with the support of the central and regional governments to realize disaster safe tourism, disaster resilient families, and days of preparation as anticipatory measures to cope with disasters. We hope that people understand very well the conditions of their own environment, “he concluded. (Hbb)