
KKN UMY Introduces KOMET Stacked Bucket Composter to the People of Bayuran Poncosari

Students of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Public Services Program Grou 104 (KKN 104 UMY) held a socialization session regarding processing organic waste into compost using a stacked bucket composter commonly abbreviated as KOMET. The activity was carried out together with residents of Hamlet Bayuran Poncosari on Wednesday (1/22) in the BPP Hall of Srambat sub-district, Bantul. Compound Bucket Composters (KOMET) are used because of the used to traditionally treat waste and compost needed for plant nutrition is increasingly scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this socialization is to provide education to residents so that they can process household waste into compost.

The Coordinator of the KOMET Socialization Program, Galang Rofiyantama, stated that this socialization could teach the Hamlet Bayuran community to be wiser in processing waste. “The purpose of this event is to turn household waste into compost. we hope for the residents to reuse household waste into compost with KOMET,” he said.

KOMET, an organic waste treatment tool made by UMY KKN 104 students, was invented with the aim of processing kitchen organic waste into compost and liquid fertilizer. This tool is made from used buckets, drums, trash cans or large jerry cans. The material used came from plastic it does not rust.

Furthermore, the speaker in the activity, Dwi Wantoro, ST., MT explained the online-based application used to sell non-organic waste that has been grouped and sorted properly to collectors or garbage collectors. “Waste that is sold will be exchanged for money and points that can be exchanged with various attractive prizes as a reward for environmental care,” he explained.

In addition, the students also had a work program to socialize the utilization of medicinal plants to mothers of Bayuran Hamlet Poncosari Women’s Farmers Group, which was taught by one of the Pharmacy Study Program Lecturers of UMY M. Fariez Kurniawan M.Farm, Apt. The students also established the first reading park. (sofia)