BAN-PT Regulation No. 4 of 2017 concerning the Accreditation Instrument Compilation Policy states that the national accreditation system of both tertiary institutions and study programs has changed from input-output based accreditation to outcome-based accreditation. Currently, BAN-PT has published the 4.0 study program accreditation instruments (IAPS). This new regulation adds new tasks for the campus, especially for the heads of the study programs to further improve the quality of their study programs.
In order to reduce public anxiety over the new BAN-PT regulations and the new Permendikbud (Ministry of education and culture regulation) issued by the current minister of education, Nadiem Makarim, regarding the policy of independent campuses, the Indonesian Association of Masters of Management Studies Program (APMMI) and the Masters of Management Studies Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (MM UMY) held a Seminar and Workshop on the 4.0 IAPS Accreditation for two days on February 27-28 2020 at the Kasman Singodimejo Building, UMY Young and Worldly Campus.
Member of the BAN-PT Executive Board and lecturer at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Sugiyono, Ph.D, said that the Ministry of Education and Culture currently has enough headaches for the heads of study programs. This is because the previous accreditation method for study programs was supposed to be valid for 5 years, and does not require re-accreditation after 5 years has passed. “Now, study programs are required to evaluate its accreditation to ensure the development of the quality of accreditation during the period, to see whether it is getting better or worse. If the quality was found to have decreased after the evaluation by the assessors from BAN-PT, the accreditation of the study program will be lowered to a lower level, but accreditation may remain as before or even increase depending on the value obtained during the visitation, “concluded Sugiyono.
Before the Permendikbud was issued, many study programs in several campuses in Indonesia forgot to request a re-accreditation after the expiry of the validity period, but now study programs do not need to apply for re-accreditation because every 5 years the BAN-PT accreditation validity period will automatically conduct a visitation to the campus to evaluate their accreditation. So, there will be no more universities that are late in re-applying for accreditation.
In truth, accreditation is not a burden for study programs but it is proof of the quality the study program can run. “So, the current Permendikbud is not a new workload for the campus but a reform of the system so that the quality of the study programs increase. The current accreditation system will cut budgets because it is an online-based system and there will be no more study programs that use fake data or plagiarism because all entries will be detected using a computerized system, “added Sugiyono.
“Some time ago I heard Nadiem Makarim’s stating ” We are entering an era where a degree does not guarantee competence, graduation does not guarantee readiness to work, accreditation does not guarantee quality, and entering class does not guarantee learning “. Currently, higher education should create leaders of the future in our students, by carrying out the process of coaching, learning and creating student character, and ensuring that every decision is related to what impact it has on students,” concluded Sugiyono.
The seminar and workshop session was attended by 72 heads of Magister Management Studies from State and Private Universities, with MM UMY as the host.