The Hospital Management Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY MARS Study Program) has received an “A” accreditation with a score of 369. The result of this decision were issued by the Independent Higher Education Health Accreditation Institute (LAM-PTKes) through Decree (SK) number 002 / LAM-PTKes / BA Akr / II / 2020 on February 28, 2020. The score produced by MARS exceeded the minimum score targeted by the university.
This was stated by Dr. Suranto, M.Pol., The Head of UMY Quality Assurance Agency (BPM) when interviewed on Monday (9/3) in the Quality Assurance Agency Room. He stated that there was an increase in the MARS Study Program’s Accreditation Score. “The MARS Study Program (Master of Hospital Administration), formerly known as MMRS (Master of Hospital Management), was accredited as B and is currently accredited A with a very satisfactory score of 369. This study program only exists in two Jogja universities, namely UMY and UGM. The score have made these universities more prestigious and will hopefully attract more students in applying to the study program,” he explained.
Suranto also explained that BPM also assisted and monitored the accreditation process. “This study program was assessed by the Higher Education Health Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM-PTKes) which has more detailed, more specific and more detailed indicators. We accompanied the MARS study program more carefully and more thoroughly to prepare for approximately 6 months. And Alhamdulillah, the results they received have exceeded the target. MARS Study Program follows other health sciences study programs, such as Dentistry Education Study Program, Doctor Education Study Program, Nursing Sciences Study Program, and Nursing Sciences Master Study Program as programs with accreditation A,” he explained.9