
UMY Gives Student Grants to Hold COVID-19 creative competition in the Middle of Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic does not mean that productivity should decrease, even in a campus, because the campus must continue to provide learning to students even with very limited conditions. In addition, the campus must also provide benefits to the surrounding community by taking over the government’s role to help speed up COVID-19 countermeasures so that life can go back to normal again. If we look at many campuses in Indonesia, they look quiet in contrast to this young, global campus. This campus does not stop innovating to create new ideas so that campus activities can still be felt even with very limited conditions. The existence of the UMY Campus can be felt from its many activities, including giving assistance to underprivileged students and giving internal grants to help students’ creative endeavours, to holding a creative idea competition COVID-19 countermeasure for high school level students.

Monday, (8/6) A total of 40 underprivileged students of UMY were given financial assistance by Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) with a total scholarship fund worth worth Rp 100,000,000. Through this education assistance plan, each student received a fund of Rp 2,500,000, – which will be used to support the learning process while at UMY.

Then on Monday (15/6) there was a symbolic handover of business development grants and the Business Plan Competition 2020 reward by the UMY Student Entrepreneurship and Business Incubator (SEBI). This student business development grant was given to seven groups that successfully passed the selection. The business funding assistance provided by UMY further strengthens the commitment of the campus with the “Young Worldwide” credo to continue to contribute in encouraging the development of student-owned businesses. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic as it is now has stalled many micro sectors and student businesses, but with this funding assistance, UMY hopes that students can still see new opportunities in the midst of crisis.

In addition, as a form of contribution to the community in an effort to accelerate the prevention of COVID-19 outbreaks, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta through its Center of Student Innovation & Creativity (CSIC) and Student and Alumni Development Institutions invites high school/vocational students throughout Indonesia to pour ideas to overcome COVID-19 through the UMY Student Creativity Competition which took the theme “Caring in the Times of Corona”. This competition specifically encourages students to put their creative ideas into the main topic of “Efforts to Overcome the Spread of the COVID-19 Virus & Its Impact on the Community”. In addition to the main theme, there are 4 sub-themes of the competition which are: (a) social & physical distancing, (b) proposed COVID-19 countermeasures policy, (c) tips on dealing with COVID-19, and (d) tips on staying productive when Ramadhan is in the middle of a pandemic.

The competition was held in 3 fields namely creative essays, creative posters, creative videos. In the field of creative essays, participants can write creative ideas in accordance with the themes and sub-themes of the competition. In the poster area, participants are expected to be able to visualize ideas in the form of interesting graphic information according to the themes and sub-themes of the activity. In the field of creative videos, the visualization of ideas is poured in the form of videos uploaded to each participant’s YouTube channel.