
UMY and Tamantirto Residents Prepare Health Protocol to Welcome New and ReturningStudents

In order to prepare for the arrival of students in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Tamantirto residents formulated and agreed on an UMY student arrival protocol on Thursday (2/7) at Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul. The agreed arrival protocol of UMY students is based on several laws concerned with dealing with the COVID-19 protocol, including Law No.4 / 1894 on Infectious Disease, Law No.6 / 2009 concerning Health Quarantine, Official Letter from the Governor of Yogyakarta No.2 / SE / III / 2020 concerning Increased Awareness of the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission from Migrants / Travelers to Yogyakarta Special Region, Bantul Regent Regulation No. 48/2020 Quarantine Obligations for Suspected Covid Infected People, Bupati Instruction No.1 / 2020 Increased Awareness of Covid Transmission, Bantul Regent Official Letter number 440/02397 / HKM dated June 18, 2020, and Letter from the Governor of the Yogyakarta Special Region number 197 / Kep / 2020.

Dr. Sukamta, ST, MT, Chairperson of UMY COVID-19 Task Force stated that there are several protocols for the arrival of UMY students that were agreed between the campus and Tamantirto residents. “First, students who will return to boarding houses in the Tamantirto village area must report their arrival two days before their arrival to the origin university, the boarding house owner and the Bantul Regency Government by filling out the form on the link

Second, students who will return to Yogyakarta are encouraged to arrive at their respective homes in Tamantirto between 06.00-23.59 WIB. Third, students who intend to return must show a certificate of being active in attending lectures / other activities on campus to interested parties. Fourth, students who come from outside the Province of DIY and Central Java and regions that implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) must show rapid test results from the area of ​​origin no later than seven days before arrival, while students who come from Central Java and outside the red zone and regions that apply the PSBB should bring a health certificate no later than seven days before arrival,” he explained, when interviewed on Saturday (4/7).

Another important point in the student arrival protocol is that they are required to carry out independent isolation for 14 days at their respective boarding houses starting from their arrival in Yogyakarta by continuing to implement health protocols and running a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS). “After students arrive at the residence/boarding house, they are required to clean themselves thoroughly by taking a big shower or bath using shampoo and soap. After undergoing quarantine, students are required to report online through the Bantul Regency portal and KRS Online and report themselves to the local health center to get a health certificate and only then will they be allowed to return to normal activities while maintaining the health protocol. These UMY student arrival protocols have been approved by Tamantirto residents, and surrounding campuses such as UMY and Alma Ata agreed. These protocols have been implemented since July 2, 2020 and will continue until 30 November 2020,” he concluded. (Sofia)