
A Lecturer of UMY Becomes the Best Presenter at the AASIC

A lecturer of Master of Nursing of Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Fitri Arofiati, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., Ph.D. succeeded accomplishing an international achievement. She managed to be the Best Speaker in Asian Academic Society International Conference (AASIC) 2017 held in Thailand on 26 to 27 July, brought “Multidisciplinary Perspective Of Local Wisdom: Past, Present, and Future of ASIA” as the theme. The conference was organized by Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (Indonesia Student Association) in Thailand (PERMITHA) collaborating with Khon Khaen University International College.

The international achievement, which was not the first one gained by Fitri, showed that   Indonesian lecturers possess capability to compete internationally. “My research was accepted so that I could present it. I was also selected as the best speaker due to my research presentation. There were 200 participants consisting of lecturers and students from various universities. Hence, this conference is as not only a medium to present research findings but also as an opportunity to establish a prolonging kinship.” said Fitri in an interviewed on Monday (31/7).

Fitri also stated that UMY delegated a number of lecturers from different fields of study. “The conference had several categories such as health, social, economy, management and agriculture. I joined the health field. I presented research entitled ‘Perception of Hospital Administration toward Factors Contributing Professional Development of Nurses in Indonesia,” told Fitri who is also Head of the Master of Nursing of UMY.

Fitri believed that her research should be known by nursing and hospital managers as it will help developing the nurse career more precisely. The research findings could also be used as the policy basis to make a Master Plan for Human Resource Development at the Hospital (RIP SDM RS) in Nursing Service field to improve the quality of nursing care services.

The AASIC itself was also an opportunity to establish cooperation between Department of Nursing and a number of universities in Thailand. “I used the occasion to offer cooperation with one of Thai universities, Khon Khaen University International College, especially in nursing field. I hope that a good relations, both personally and institutionally, would occur due to this cooperation,” expected Fitri.

Fitri informed that the research was individual research. It was also submitted in a Scopus indexed journal or an internationally accredited journal. “Therefore I wish that the research findings could also be published in both national and international journals. Hence, it can be implemented in each fields,” she hoped.