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Profession Certification Institute of UMY Undergoes BNSP Witness

Oktober 24, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

The Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) underwent a witnessing process as the finale to a series of activities to obtain a license from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). The chairman of BNSP, Kunjung Masehat visited the UMY central campus to lead the BNSP team in carrying out the witness process.

Didukung Pemanfaatan IT Yang Memadai, UMY Produktif Lakukan Konferensi Virtual

Oktober 19, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Keadaan pandemi Covid-19 yang belum usai saat ini tidak menyurutkan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) untuk tetap produktif mengadakan konferensi ilmiah yang diadakan secara virtual dan menaati protokol kesehatan Covid-19. Dalam mengadakan konferensi tersebut juga diimbangi support IT dan 50 Virtual Room yang disediakan oleh Biro Sistem Informasi (BSI UMY) agar sivitas akademika ikut serta secara

UMY Holds Virtual Conferences Supported by Adequate Utilization of IT

Oktober 19, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

The current state of the Covid-19 pandemic has not deterred Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) from being productive by holding scientific conferences virtually and obeying the COVID-19 health protocol. The conferences were also supported with IT support and 50 Virtual Rooms provided by the Information System Bureau (BSI UMY) so that the academic community can participate

Menteri Pertanian RI Membuka Acara Seminar PERAGI di UMY

Oktober 17, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Sabtu (17/10) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta menjadi tuan rumah Seminar Nasional Peragi (Perhimpunan Agronomi Indonesia) dengan tema “Peran PERAGI dalam Memperkuat Inovasi dan Petani Milenial untuk Mewujudkan Pertanian Tangguh dan Berdaya Saing”. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan melalui kanal Youtube dan Zoom ini dihadiri oleh 331 peserta. Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia Dr. H. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, S.H, M.H

The Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia opened the PERAGI Seminar at UMY

Oktober 17, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

On Saturday (17/10)Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta hosted the National Peragi (Indonesian Agronomy Association) Seminar with the theme “The Role of PERAGI in Strengthening Innovation and Millennial Farmers to Realize Tough and Competitive Agriculture”. The activity, which was held through Youtube and Zoom channels, was attended by 331 participants. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia

Creative Da’wah Media can Win Public Attention

Oktober 15, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Creative da’wah media in Indonesia develops with technological advances, which have become an important part of today’s society. That is the basis for communicators to develop da’wah through media presented in attractive packaging to facilitate delivery to the public. The Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah  Yogyakarta held a session called the Studium

Media Dakwah Kreatif Untuk Menangkan Perhatian Masyarakat

Oktober 15, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Media dakwah kreatif di Indonesia berkembang seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, yang telah menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat saat ini. Itulah dasar bagi para komunikator untuk mengembangkan dakwah melalui media yang disajikan dengan kemasan menarik agar memudahkan penyampaiannya ke masyarakat. Program Studi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta mengadakan sesi yang dinamakan sebagai Studium Generale,

Total 1.112 Presenter, ICOSI 2020 Berakhir

Oktober 15, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Setelah digelar selama 2 hari, International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICOSI) 2020 resmi ditutup. Upacara penutupan kembali dilaksanakan secara virtual pada Rabu sore (14/10) melalui platform Microsoft Team dan Streaming Youtube yang disiarkan langsung dari Ruang Sidang Lt. 5, Gedung AR Fachruddin B, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). Ari Kusuma Paksi, Ph.D, wakil ketua pelaksana ICOSI

ICOSI 2020 Ends with a Total of 1,112 Presenters

Oktober 15, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

After being held for 2 days, the 2020 International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICOSI) was officially closed. The closing ceremony was held virtually on Wednesday afternoon (14/10) through the Microsoft Team platform and Youtube streaming broadcast live from the Meeting Room, Floor Floor. 5, AR Fachruddin B Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). Ari Kusuma Paksi,

Din Syamsyudin: Prinsip, Hukum dan Peradaban Islam

Oktober 14, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Persoalan hukum menjadi persoalan penting bagi kehidupan kemasyarakatan. Selain itu juga, hukum erat kaitannya dengan agama dan juga peradaban. Penjelasan tersebut dipaparkan oleh Prof. Dr. K.H. Muhammad Sirajudin Syamsudin,MA., Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Periode 2005-2010 dan 2010-2015 dalam acara International Conference on Law and Society 2020 (ICLAS) pada hari Rabu (14/10) yang dilakukan secara

Din Syamsyudin: Principles, Law and Islamic Civilization

Oktober 14, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Legal issues are an important matter for social life. In addition, law is closely related to religion and civilization. The explanation was given by Prof. Dr. K.H. Muhammad Sirajudin Syamsudin, MA., Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Board for the 2005-2010 and 2010-2015 Periods in the International Conference on Law and Society 2020 (ICLAS) on Wednesday

The 4th ICoSI 2020 Wins MURI Records by Organizing an International Webinars with the Most Number of Scientific Disciplines

Oktober 14, 2020, oleh: Humas UMY

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) won another MURI Record by holding an international webinar on the largest number of scientific disciplines. The conference, which was attended by approximately 1373 participants from 8 countries, is the 4th ICoSI (International Conference on Sustainable Innovation) 2020 which was held on the 13th. -14 October 2020. ICoSI is an annual