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In Preparation for Offline Lectures, Rektor Menyapa Invited Lecturers and Educators for Discussion

Agustus 12, 2020, oleh:

After successfully holding the Rektor Menyapa session for Students and Parents of Students online, this time Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held a similar session but with Lecturers and Educators at the Rector’s Lobby, 1st Floor of AR Fachruddin A Building, UMY Central Campus, on Wednesday (12/8). There were several discussions that were conveyed by the Chancellor

UMY Dampingi Pengelolaan Tanah Wakaf Di PCM Turi

Agustus 12, 2020, oleh:

Pengelolaan tanah wakaf seringkali belum optimal disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, antara lain belum meratanya pemahaman dan paradigma baru wakaf sesuai UU No 41 Th 2014. Pemahaman kebanyakan masyarakat tentang tanah wakaf mengarah pada suatu benda yang tidak bergerak, misalnya wakaf tanah untuk pendidikan, wakaf berupa tanah dan bangunan, wakaf pohon jati, sumur, kuburan atau yang

Southeast Asian Agriculture Post-COVID-19

Agustus 11, 2020, oleh:

Southeast Asian Agriculture Post-COVID 19 Zuhud Rozaki, PhD. Agricultural Business Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic affects human life in all sectors, including agriculture. In addition to Indonesia, other countries in Southeast Asia have also experienced the same thing. This pandemic emerged in Wuhan, China, where a virus thought to be

Pertanian Asia Tenggara Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

Agustus 11, 2020, oleh:

Pertanian Asia Tenggara Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Zuhud Rozaki, PhD. Program Studi Agribisnis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Pendahuluan Pandemi Covid-19 mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia di semua sektor, pertanian termasuk sektor yang terdampak pandemi ini. Tidak hanya di Indonesia, tetapi negara-negara lain di Asia Tenggara juga mengalama hal yang sama. Pandemi ini muncul dimulai dari Wuhan, China, dimana

UMY Hosts 2020 Summer School Online

Agustus 11, 2020, oleh:

The COVID-19  does not dampen the enthusiasm to remain productive in learning. As a young and worldly campus with various international programs, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held another Summer School program this year. Unlike the previous years, UMY chose to hold an online program. The opening of the 2020 Summer School was held on Monday

UMY Gelar Summer School 2020 Secara Online

Agustus 11, 2020, oleh:

Di tengah wabah COVID-19 yang menghadang, tidak lantas menyurutkan semangat untuk tetap produktif belajar. Sebagai kampus yang muda mendunia dengan berbagai program internasionalnya, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) tahun ini kembali menggelar program Summer School 2020. Berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya, di tengah pandemi ini UMY memilih menggelar program secara online. Pembukaan Summer School 2020 dilaksanakan pada

Isu Keamanan Timor Leste Membawa Sugito Meraih Gelar Doktor

Agustus 8, 2020, oleh:

Isu keamanan yang ada di negara Timor Leste cukup menarik. Pasalnya, tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap institusi keamanan negara tidak sebesar kepercayaan mereka untuk institusi informal seperti veteran Falintil, uma lisan, dan gereja. Topik inilah yang diangkat oleh Dr. Sugito, S.IP., M.Si., untuk mengerjakan disertasinya. Melalui disertasi yang diberi judul “Peran Institusi Informal dalam Sektor Keamanan

Timor Leste Security Issues Brought Sugito a Doctorate Degree

Agustus 8, 2020, oleh:

The security issue in Timor Leste is an interesting topic. This is because the level of public trust in state security institutions is not as high as their trust in informal institutions such as Falintil veterans, the uma lisan and the church. This topic was raised by Dr. Sugito, S.IP., M.Sc., to work on his

Grup Musik Orkestra UMY Rilis Video Musik Perdana

Agustus 8, 2020, oleh:

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta merupakan Universitas yang menaruh perhatian lebih terhadap seni, terutama seni musik. Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra merupakan group orchestra kebanggan UMY yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2018. Kali ini Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra membuat 3 video lagu yakni Pamer Bojo, Ilir-ilir, dan Derap Kemajuan. Lagu Derap Kemajuan sendiri merupakan karya Dr. Haedar Nashir

UMY Orchestral Music Group Releases First Music Video

Agustus 8, 2020, oleh:

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is a university that pays attention to art, especially music. the Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra is an esteemed orchestral group from UMY that has been established since 2018. This time, Sang Surya Philharmonic Orchestra made 3 music video, namely Pamer Bojo, Ilir-ilir, and Derap Kemajuan. The song Derap Kemajuan was written by

Librarians and Lecturers Must be Familiar with SINTA, Scopus, and Scimago

Agustus 8, 2020, oleh:

Journal publications, scientific papers, and research results need to be understood by librarians and lecturers who are carrying research. The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, facilitates those who wish to publish their work by building the Science and Technology Index (SINTA). Given the importance of this system for lecturers