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IT UMY Hosts a Workshop to Enter the World of Work with its Alumni

Juli 22, 2019, oleh:

In order to help with their students’ preparation to enter the working world, the Information Technology (TI) Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) opened an alumni and discussion session regarding the tips and tricks to enter the working world. The Workshop Sharing of Knowledge and Experience with IT Alumnus session was themed “Make the Greatest

TI UMY Gelar Workshop Persiapan Masuki Dunia Kerja Bersama Alumni

Juli 22, 2019, oleh:

Dalam rangka menjembatani persiapan mahasiswa yang akan memasuki dunia kerja, Program studi Teknik Informatika (TI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) menggelar temu alumni sekaligus diskusi mengenai tips dan trik memasuki dunia kerja. Acara Workshop Sharing Of Knowledge And Experience With IT Alumnus dengan tema “Make The Greatest Thing With Your Greatest Knowledge And Experience” ini diselenggarakan

Parade Dokumenter Ajang Apresiasi Karya Mahasiswa

Juli 22, 2019, oleh:

Sebagai mahasiswa tentu tugas kuliah yang diberikan oleh dosen menjadi suatu kewajiban untuk dikerjakan, baik itu tugas dalam bentuk teori maupun dalam bentuk praktikum. Begitu pula yang dikerjakan oleh mahasiswa konsentrasi Broadcasting Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IK UMY) yang mengerjakan tugas mata kuliah film dokumenter. Dua semester mengerjakan tugas film dokumenter, nampaknya

Parade of Documentaries Displays Appreciation for Students’ Work

Juli 22, 2019, oleh:

As a college student, assignments given by lecturers is a part of the learning process, be it theoretical or practical. The same was experienced by students of Broadcasting from Communication Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IK UMY) in their task for the documentary class. For two semesters, they worked on their documentaries and were rewarded

UMY Membuka Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru Jalur PNUAN Periode 4 Seleksi Cepat (One Day Service) TA. 2019/2020

Juli 21, 2019, oleh:

  Pendaftaran Jalur PNUAN Periode 4 dibuka pada tanggal 22 Juli – 16 Agustus 2019. Program studi yang dibuka : Teknik Elektro Teknik Mesin Ilmu Keperawatan Manajemen (Kelas Internasional/IMaBs) Akuntansi (Kelas Reguler)  Akuntansi (Kelas Internasional/IPAcc) Ekonomi Pembangunan (Kelas Internasional/IPIEF) Ilmu Pemerintahan (Kelas Internasional/IGOV) Ilmu Hukum (Kelas Internasional/IPOLS) Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam (Kelas Reguler) Komunikasi dan

UMY Lecturers Initiate Founding of Cooperative Store in Kasihan Village RT 6

Juli 19, 2019, oleh:

The people of Kasihan village RT 6, Tamantirto regency, Bantul subdistrict, Special Region of Yogyakarta has various jobs and professions. Most of the breadwinners in this village are farmers and ranchers, while the women make traditional snack which they sell in the houses and traditional markets surrounding the village such as pasar Gamping, pasar Niten,