
Candor, a Meaningful Great Value

Al-Qur’an comprises of life values. For instance, At-Taubah verse 119 talks about verity. In a tarawih preaching at Masjid K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) on Thursday (16/5), Dr. Sukamta, S.T. stated that the honesty is a huge value since many people, particularly people having a high position such as a leader, neglect it.

It is a must for a leader to be honest. “We can do as our Prophet Muhammad who is truthful. The character is a basis to be trusted. The characteristics are mentioned on An-Nisa verse 58-59 explaining verity, trusteeship, justice, and an advice to obey a leader. Thus, the candor is a valuable aspect,” declared Dr. Sukamta, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs.

Honest people are easily believed, and once again our role model is Prophet Muhammad. His honesty was taught and tested since he was a child. We remember when he was told to graze thousands od goats and sell in a market. The places are where shaitans easily incite people to be dishonest.

“Prophet Muhammad’s candor was tested in a market, not in a masjid. For one reason, people in the masjid tend to have virtue, but people do everything to gain profits when they are in a market. For example, people in a market may reduce scales, give improper selling prices, and others. When we are performing our job, Allah is testing our verity and faith,” maintained Sukamta, who is also a lecturer of Department of Mechanical Engineering of UMY.

Thus, corruption is not a new phenomenon nowadays. A great amount of money easily tempts people to disregard religious norms and values. “Today’s phenomenon shows us that people are knowledgeable but dishonest. Indeed, almost all elements of society ignore the honesty. To evade the dishonesty, Al-Qur’an must become our guidance, we should apply the verity wherever we are and we have to always remember that Allah sees us,” emphasized Dr. Sukamta.