
482 Graduate from Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Required to Create Employment UMY Luluskan 482 Wisudawan, Lulusan Dituntut Ciptakan Lapangan Kerja

Juni 9, 2012, oleh:

The certificate acquired after completing the courses is the asset for a graduate to gain employment. However, according to Ir. Dasron Hamid, M. Sc., the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), gaining employment is not yet adequate. He expects that UMY graduates will also create employment for others. Hamid stated this in his opening

KOMAHI UMY Hold School of Journalism

Juni 8, 2012, oleh:

International Relations Student Corps of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (KOMAHI UMY) held another journalistic training for students. This time KOMAHI UMY presented a number of journalists in the “School of Journalism 2012” held on Friday (8/6) in the Meeting Room of Faculty of Social and Political Science and in the Meeting Room of Faculty of Economics,

Facing Business Complexity, Accountantsare Demanded to Increase Their Capabilities Hadapi Kompleksitas Bisnis, Akuntan Dituntut Tingkatkan Kapabilitas

Juni 6, 2012, oleh:

 In the current globalization era, business transactions has become increasingly complex. In the era in which there is no national borders between countries in terms of economic activities,each individual must seek to placed oneself at the right position. This includes accounting profession, which also has been required to increase the capabilities. This was conveyed by

Dampak Perubahan Iklim dan Potensi Bencana Ekologis Bisa Dicegah

Juni 6, 2012, oleh:

Perubahan iklim yang terjadi saat ini sebenarnya dapat dicegah jika semua pihak mau bekerjasama untuk menanggulanginya. Perubahan iklim ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh terjadinya pemanasan global atau biasa disebut global warming. Global warming ini terjadi karena panas matahari tersebut terperangkap di bumi dan ini yang biasa disebut dengan efek rumah kaca. Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Kepala Badan Meteorologi dan Klimatologi Geofisika Republik Indonesia

University of Maryland America Liaises with JKSG UMY to Research The Implementation of REDD+ in Indonesia

Juni 5, 2012, oleh:

In conducting the research on REDD+ in Indonesia, University of Maryland America invitesJusuf Kalla School of Government of Universitas MuhammadiyahYogyakarta (JKSG-UMY). REDD+ is an acronym for ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation,’ which is a global mechanism that aims at slowing global climate change by providing compensation to developing countries to protect their forests.


Juni 2, 2012, oleh:

Mahasiswa dituntut untuk selalu kompetitif. Karena itu, mahasiswa harus selalu mencari pengalaman demi pengalaman untuk dapat berkompetisi dalam banyak hal, salah satunya, dalam meraih beasiswa. Demi menjadikan para mahasiswa memiliki nilai tanding, beberapa mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam International program Student Community (IPSC), menggelar IPOLS Fest. Acara ini akan berlangsung selama lima hari dengan berbagai agenda

UMY Students Introduced Modern Farming Concept to Orphans

Juni 1, 2012, oleh:

Basically, children in orphanage spend their spare time by playing around. Instead, there are many positive activities that they can do; one of them is by modern farming. Modern farming can bolster the creativity of these children in their spare time, yet give them a profit. This was what Tri Haryanto, a student of Agrotechnology

Building Entrepreneurship through Competition

Juni 1, 2012, oleh:

Of 169, 33 million people on working-age in Indonesia, only 0. 24% are entrepreneurs. Thus, entrepreneurship should start to be built among teenagers; one way is by a competition. Regarding this phenomenon, Management Department of Faculty of Economics of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FE-UMY) successfully held Entrepreneurship Competition and Teaching Grant for high-school students and teachers

Bantul Regent: The 25th PIMNAS Must Raise Bantul’s Potentials

Juni 1, 2012, oleh:

The 25th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS), which will be held on July 9-14, 2012, is expected to be the national event to raise the potentials in Bantul Regency. The presence of around 2000 students and supporters will be a great opportunity to introduce the potentials that Bantul Regency has whether in its culture, traditional cuisine,