Communication Science is a knowledge connecting one another, being a booster in society either personal or public. Communication has a role in enhancing information system for both instructional and development. This study has similarity to social science which examines human behavior in developing implementation.
It was conveyed by a lecturer of Communication Science of Sebelas Maret University, Sri Hastjarjo, S. Sos., Ph.D., in his explanation when being a speaker in the first congress of High Educational Association of Communication Science of Muhammadiyah Universities (APIK PTM) in Gowongan Inn Hotel of Yogyakarta on Friday (21/11). It was also inviting Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah, S.IP., M.Si., a lecturer of Communication Science of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and it was mediated by Firly Annisa S.IP., M.Si., who was a lecture of Communication Science of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as well.
Sri stated that the development of communication research was necessary to face challenges in coping with community issues, so that the advantages of communication science could be obviously perceived by society. According to Sri Hastjarjo, Ph.D., usually being called Has, both communication science and social science studied human behavior, and what differentiates them was the use of symbols and how to define them.
“Communication science and social science study human behavior, but what makes them different is that communication science employs certain symbols in human behavior. In fact, the symbols and human behavior are endlessly developed, so that the communication science keeps evolving,” he said.
Has added that, being valuable for society, the basic issue should be firstly solved by some communication science academicians through designing research methods and understanding toward the research because it was found that researchers of communication science to date were still getting difficulty to distinguish subjects or communication field itself.
“One of the basic issues I found is that researchers of communication science are still getting difficulty to differentiate whether or not a subject is communication field, so that it is hard as well to conduct communication researches which are beneficial for society. The current solution of communication science is on the communication studies which are valuable for the society,” he continued.
Besides, in the same occasion, the following speaker who was a lecture of Communication Science, Tri Hastuti Nur Rochimah, S.Sos., M.Si., uttered that communication issues were unbelievable since the elements and facts around and in the society had never be accomplished. Thus, communication science had challenges to overcome them.
“Communication issues turn implausible because stereotypes around us and in society have never been done such as religion issue which have not had real solution yet from new order regime to now,” explained a senior researcher of Aisyiyah Center Organization (PP Aisyiyah). (Shidqi).