Reinforcement of networks and cooperative relationships among universities is necessary in achieving performance acceleration and enhancing contribution of universities toward society. Moreover, Muhammadiyah universities are across Indonesia so that it needs a special forum to coordinate. It was stated by Budi Arifianto, S.Sn., M.Sn., as the chief of the committee of the First Congress of High Educational Association of Communication Science of Muhammadiyah Universities (APIK PTM) taking place in Gowongan Inn Hotel of Yogyakarta on Friday and Saturday (21-22/11). This event was attended by representatives of Departments of Communication Science of Muhammadiyah universities throughout Indonesia and several other universities like Gajah Mada University, Padjajaran University, and Sebelas Maret University.
The first congress of APIK PTM was officially opened by Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Prof. Dr. Bambang Cipto, M.A., through ringing a gong after giving remark. Keynote Speech was the following agenda stated by the chief of University Association of Communication Science (ASPIKOM), Dr. Atwar Bajari, M.Si., who is a lecturer of Communication Science of Padjajaran University of Bandung.
Prof. Bambang Cipto conveyed that he thanked very much for the idea of conducting the congress. He expected that this APIK PTM congress could give ideas among Muhammadiyah universities in fostering the universities, particularly the Communication Science.
Additionally, Prof. Bambang Cipto uttered that Communication Science is a science connecting humans to communicate one another immediately because communication has been needed since they were born. Communication Science is knowledge which can save us to overcome various life problems as communication functions in stating and transferring knowledge and all other sciences, either science itself and social science.
“Communication Science is the knowledge which has been implemented by humans since they were born because Communication Science has existed and been needed. Besides, we have to realize that Communication Science is knowledge saving us in overcoming various life problems as it is for uttering and transferring knowledge like science and social science,” Prof. Bambang Cipto explained.
Furthermeore, the chief of ASPIKOM, Dr. Atwar Bajari, said that the congress was a great momentum since the presence of APIK PTM had intellectual and emotional connection between the first congress of APIK and ASPIKOM of Indonesia. Atwar believed that the initiators and founders of APIK were his friends in ASPIKOM itself.
“This is a great momentum since the presence of APIK has intellectual and emotional connection between two of them (APIK and APIKOM – Red). I believe that the initiators and founders of APIK are my friends in ASPIKOM who have attended here earlier. Some names are familiar and the ones who always get involved in the footsteps of ASPIKOM,” he told.
Atwar added that the existence of the first APIK congress could be a forum to discuss strategic issues in managing Communication Science like a nomenclature change of Communication Science which turned to some branches of Communication Science, a curriculum change oriented to National Qualification Framework of Indonesia (KKNI), competence standard and profession standard making, and other strategic Issues of Communication Science Management.
“I hope that the existence of APIK would be valuable to discuss strategic issues of Communication Science management, which are dealing with a nomenclature change of Communication Science, a curriculum change, competence standard, and other strategic issues regarding the management of Departments of Communication Science.
The event, which would be held on Friday and Saturday, the 21st – 22nd of November 2014, will consisted of several agendas like a workshop delivered by a researcher of Aisyiyah Center Organization and a lecturer of Sebelas Maret University. Besides, there would be an academic workshop and the election of the chief of APIK PTM 2014. (Shidqi)