Quantity and quality of Indonesia film industry has been fostered. Film is a part of modern culture but it is not similar to the other modern cultures. One of the differences is film censor which is fascinating to be examined by practitioners and academicians who are interested in the Indonesia film development.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) collaborating with Communication Science Association (Aspikom) launched a book entitled ‘Menikmati Budaya Layar, Membaca Film’ (Enjoying the Screen Culture, Reading the Movie” at Multimedia Communication room of UMY on Thursday (14/4). The book launching was one of the schedules of Communication Feast 2016.
“In the beginning, this book is talking about how to analyze the film, then highlight the production and the text, we hope that in the future the theory can be used to analyzed the film, moreover the student can learn how to utilize the theory in film analysis” Fajar Junaedi one of the contributors stated.
The book was written by 8 people, namely Setio Budi H. Hutomo, Triyono Lukmantoro, Fajar Junaedi, Budi Dwi Arifianto, Lukas Deni Setiawan, Muria Endah Sokowati, Ranggabumi Nuswantoro, and Andreas Ryan. The book discusses various topics like feminism, culture industry, and the film industry development in Yogyakarta after 1998.
“One of the articles entitled ‘Dari Analog Menuju Digital: Produksi Film Indie di Yogyakarta Paska Reformasi’ (From Analog To Digital: The Indie Film Making after Reform Era in Yogyakarta) talked about how the filmmakers in Yogyakarta actualize their perspective on reformation era (1998) through film” Fajar informed.
He told that this book would be launched in the 4th Aspikom Congress on May and , Communication Science lecturers in Indonesia would come.