
Conducting Research on ICT in Bantul and Yogyakarta, Supardal Holds a Doctoral Degree

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which has just been implemented in a number of developing countries such as Indonesia, can support performance of government. The statement was mentioned on a dissertation by Drs. Supardal, M.Si. entitled “Information Communication Technology-Based Bureaucracy Transformation” presented on his defense on Friday (26/5) at amphitheater of Graduate School of Universtas Muhammadiayh Yogyakarta (UMY).

“Along with the rapid development of technology, an increase of internet active users, and the behavioral changes tending to new culture, local government should utilize the circumstances to develop online system in the policy making process. If the government would like to apply the ICT system, they have to prepare for human resources. For one reason, the government commonly prioritize to have hardware, whereas the bureaucratic structure and system,” asserted Supardal.

The findings of the research conducted in Bantul and Yogyakarta city revealed that the implementation of ICT supported by the capacity of employees can enhance effective and efficient public services. “The research results showed that pillars of vision and policy, organization structure, organization culture, and ICT renewal has structurally remained the same. Therefore, the ICT implementation has not support bureaucratic transformation,” explained Supardal, who is a lecturer of Sekolah Tinggi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa (STPMD).

He maintained that the research was carried out in Bantul and Yogyakarta since the ITC implementation of both areas was slow. “ICT-based bureaucratic transformation in Bantul was only 4.1percent, while it was 44.6 percent in Yogyakarta. Hence, the ICT implementation has not been institutionalized yet,” mentioned Supardal.

In the 39th dissertation defense, Supardal was supervised by Prof. Bambang Cipto (the first supervisor) and Dr. Achmad Nurmandi (the second supervisor). Besides, the examiners were Prof. Wahyudi Kumorotomo, Prof. Tulus Warsito, Dr. Ulung Pribadi, and Dr. Suranto. Supardal holds his Doctoral Degree in Islamic Political Sciences with high distinction.