![Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin saat diwawancarai oleh awak media seusai menyampaikan pidatonya, pada acara Seminar Pra-Kongres Umat Islam Indonesia ke-VI di UMY](https://www.umy.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/DIN-2.jpg)
Regarding a legal issue confronted by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the National Police (POLRI), President is expected to make a decision as his conscience, religious principles, and rational consideration about law, politic, and culture. It is hoped that there would be a right decision.
It was conveyed by Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin, M.A. after attending a seminar of Indonesian Muslim Pre-Congress (KUII) VI organized by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogykarta (UMY). The seminar took place in a meeting hall of A.R. Fachruddin A UMY on Wednesday (4/1).
“From a last meeting with MUI in national palace, I got a cue that President would make a decision soon. I hope that it would ensue before he goes overseas on this 5 February. His decision must have considered many aspects and reasons from either Wantimpres (Presidential Advisory Board) or the nine-member team he set up. We appealed him to make decision with the consideration of his conscience and religious principles. I think it should be rational concern like law, politic, and culture, yet it should also be spiritual consideration. If it is necessary, he might pray istiqarah as Islam principle,” he stated.
Din also explained that Joko Widodo is encountering a dilemma to make decision, but he was supposed to inaugurate Kapolri (the national police chief). Thus, he hoped that all Indonesian is expected to achieve whole-heartedly any of President’s decision.
On the other hand, Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Syafi’I Ma’arif, M.A. a former chairman of Muhammadiyah elucidated that, with the authority as the chief of the nine-member team aiming at advising President about KPK-POLRI rivalry, whatever occurs, Indonesian ought to support KPK. He contended that KPK is not comparable to other anti corruption commissions of other countries. He uttered that facilities of KPK is not adequate yet to eradicate enormous corruption taking place in each area in Indonesia.
“Whatever ensues, we have to support the anti corruption commission. I notice that KPK is miserable. An anti corruption commission as KPK in other states would be provided many investigators, a huge office, and it exists in various areas. On contrast, Indonesia does not possess a KPK office. It is borrowed from Ministry of Finance. The number of investigators is a few. KPK is not provided in local area and it is only in Jakarta. Then, how could KPK eradicate the enormous corruption? I argue that we have to encourage and maintain KPK,” he conveyed on his final statement of a Seminar of Pre-Congress.
KUII VI would be conducted in Hotel Inna Garuda Yogyakarta on 8-10 February. It would be officially opened by President, but it was cancelled since on 5 February President would go abroad. Hence, the opening of the congress would be represented by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, but it would be still closed by President Joko Widodo.
“We firstly required President to officially open the congress, but he has an agenda to go overseas tomorrow. Therefore, who would open the congress is Vice President, but President would close it on 11. Insya Allah it would be opened on 9 February in Palace by Vice President, and on 11 is the closing,” added Din Syamsuddin.