
Eight Lecturers of UMY Join a Workshop on Biotechnology and Instrument Analysis in Taiwan

Eight lecturers of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) participated in a workshop on Biotechnology and Instrument Analysis organized by Institute of Molecular Medicine, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan on 28 August to 8 September 2017. They were Dr. Ir. Indira Prabasari, MP., Dr. Ir. Innaka Ageng Rineksane, MP., Dr. dr. Titiek Hidayati M. Kes., Drg. Sartika Puspita, M.D.Sc., dr. Sherly Usman, M.Sc., dr. Farindira Vesti Rahmasari, MSc., Chandra Kurnia Setiawan, SP. MSc., Syahruramdhani, Ns., MSN. Other workshop participants were from Vietnam and Thailand.

A lecturer of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) of UMY Syahruramdhani, Ns., MSN thought that Taiwan is one of the countries whose possessing good biotechnology development. The county has fostered various modern methods in many areas such as health and agriculture.

“This workshop became one of the commitments between UMY and NCKU to evolve biotechnology-based research. This is a great occasion for UMY lecturers to collaborate with lecturers and researchers at research center of NCKU. Hence, we expect that UMY lecturers can conduct superb research,” told Syahru on a release on Tuesday (19/9).

He also informed that the workshop comprised of general lecturers and laboratory practicums. “The speakers were lecturers and researchers from NCKU and a number of research centers in Taiwan. The workshop materials and practices were dealing with Quantitative PCR, Next-Generation Sequencing, Molecular Biology, Protein Isolation and Animal Model. Besides, visiting biotechnological companies and touring to several historical places in Tainan, Taiwan were also included in the workshop schedule,” stated Syahru.