
Building Entrepreneurship through Competition

Of 169, 33 million people on working-age in Indonesia, only 0. 24% are entrepreneurs. Thus, entrepreneurship should start to be built among teenagers; one way is by a competition. Regarding this phenomenon, Management Department of Faculty of Economics of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FE-UMY) successfully held Entrepreneurship Competition and Teaching Grant for high-school students and teachers from June 8 to 23. Retno Widowati, Ph.D, The Head of Management Department (FE UMY) informed this in UMY Integrated Campus on Tuesday (6/26).

Widowati stated that this competition was held to boost the number of young entrepreneurs who had well business plan through proposals. Widowati added, “Meanwhile, the teaching grant aims at improving teaching creativity of high-school teachers to create an active, creative, and exciting learning process.”

Widowati said that this competition started by business-plan proposal acceptance on 6/8 in which the proposals then were selected in two phases; the first on 6/15 and the second was on 6/23. Widowati asserted, “The winners were announced on June 23 in soft-skill-development room of Management Department of UMY.”

Widowati revealed that of the four participants of entrepreneurship competition for SMU/SMK (high-school/vocational school), among others participants from SMK Pawyatan Daha 2 Kediri, SMAN Model Terpadu Madani Sulawesi, SMAN 1 Grobongan Purwodadi, and SMAN 1 Cilacap, two groups had won this business plan competition.  Widowati informed, “The winning groups are the ones from SMK Pawyatan Daha 2 Kediri with the proposal entitled Precious Recycled Vase and from of SMA N 1 Grobogan Purwodadi with a proposal entitled Sate Dokar.”

Widowati added that the participants of the Teaching Grant who sent Classroom Action Research (CAR) proposal, who passed the second selection phase had to present their research to win the competition. Widowati explained, “Of all competing researchers, the winners are Puji Handayani, a teacher in SMAN 1 Muntilan Central Jawa as the first winner, Harman, S.Pd, MM, a teacher in SMA Islam Terpadu (Integrated Islamic High-School) Abu Bakar Yogyakarta, and Suhas Caryono, S.Pd, MM, a teacher in SMA N 8 Purworejo.”

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