Being entrepreneurs will bring benefits for married women. One of the benefits is that the income may assist 70-80 % of family needs.
In a meeting of Nasyiyatul Aisyiyah Entrepreneur Association (APUNA) in the 13th Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (NA) Congress on Thursday (25/8), Chairperson of Economy and Entrepreneurship Body (MEK) of Aisyiyah, Hj. Dyah Suminar, S.E. discussed ‘Young Women’s Role Empowerment in Enhancing National Economy’.
She argued that somebody sometimes is doubt to commence a business. She shares several success secrets of running business. “The first secret is being able to learn. An entrepreneur should focus and should always be willing to learn,” told Dyah, who is also a wife of former mayor of Yogyakarta Herry Zudianto.
The next secret is that an entrepreneur should be disciplined, persistent, and honest. Dyah told that she has been learning to be disciplined to differentiate her business from her spouse’s business. “I am attempting to be independent. Another secret is being able to recognize trends. Wherever we are, we have to learn and observe so that we can develop our business,” Dyah asserted.
Expanding networks is the other secret to foster business. “We have to have friends everywhere. For several products, we have to do Cash on Delivery with consumers, thus our links is wider,” Dyah inserted.
Besides Dyah, the other speakers of the meeting were Islamiyaturrohmah who is one of the pioneers of APUNA, and Insafiatul Aminah who is chairperson of PDNA Bojonegoro. Islamiyatur presented the history of APUNA establishment and Insafiatul Aminah talked about Baitul Maal wat-Tamwiil (BMT) Dinar Nasyiah Buana of PDNA Bojonegoro.