Islamic Broadcasting Student Association (HMJ KPI) of Islamic Faculty (FAI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) organized the first National Da’wah Festival (FESDANAS) on Tuesday-Wednesday (10-11/5). One of the schedules was talk show and book review ‘Berdakwah Kata, Berjodoh Kita’ (Preaching Words, ….) with Fahd Pahdepie, an author of ‘A Soulmate’ and ‘Household’ as well as an alumnus of International Relations of UMY. It was held on Tuesday (10/5) at hall of Masjid K.H. Ahmad Dahlan. On Tuesday afternoon, the schedule was ‘Social Work’ at Orphanage of Luwano Muhammadiyah by inviting a speaker, namely Drs. Afnan Hadikusumo.
President of HMJ KPI of UMY, Tulus Rega Wahyuni E., the FESDANAS aimed at interweaving the relationship between KPI students and society and preaching Islam to the society because Islamic mission should not merely delivered through formal preaching or by missionaries or ustadz. “Da’wah is not the duty of missionaries, but a artists can do it as well,” he declared.
Besides, Chief of the FESDANAS, Ibnu Khamdi, added that the other objective of the event was to create skilled, civilized and useful students in line with KPI of UMY.
The peak of the event was ‘Panggung KPI’ at Plaza Ngasem Tamansari on Wednesday (11/5) raising a theme ‘Art within Da’wah’. There were several performances of Student Activity Units (UKM) and high school students in Yogyakarta. Attending the event were representatives of HMJ KPI of Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah Jakarta and Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Lampung. The FESDANAS was officially opened by Dean of Islamic Faculty, Dr. H. Mahli Zainuddin Tago.