
JHI of UMY Is Indexed by ACI

An International Relations Journal (JHI) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) is a medium to publish research articles dealing with international relations. After achieving ‘B’ accreditation from Directorate General of Research Empowerment and Development of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) in December 2015, JHI of UMY was indexed by ASEAN Citation Index (ACI).

Head of International Relations laboratory of UMY Ade Marup Wirasenjaya, S.IP., M.A. stated that JHI is the only international relations journal indexed by ACI. “The ACI is a center for ASEAN data designed to index all bibliographies and quotations mentioned on ASEAN journals,” he told in an interview on Monday (27/11) at International Relations laboratory of UMY.

Ade maintained that an indexed journal is an essential aspect in order that the journal possesses standard recognized by academicians. “A process to be indexed by ACI took three months. The ACI committee assessed contents, review tracks, editing, consistency, publishing regulations of the JHI. The other assessors are from other institutions. Achieving the index, the JHI of UMY is internationally acknowledged,” he declared.

“In the national level, the JHI has been included in Sinta 2 (Science and Technology Index) initiated by Directorate General of Research Empowerment and Development. Thus, the JHI is one of two national-accredited journals besides a journal from UNAIR. This is a sustainable effort to maintain articles contents by involving national and international reviewers,” inserted Ade.

Indeed, the achievement obtained by the JHI of UMY affects UMY. “An international reputable journal is essential for the university and department since it can employed to measure performance and capacity of a higher education institution. We expect that we could enhance the quality of the JHI of UMY so that there will be a lot of qualified contents,” wished Ade.