
KKN UMY Develops Salak Pondoh Potential to Create Fresh Drink

The Candisari Hamlet of Mranggen, Magelang has agricultural and animal husbandry potential that is large enough to support the local economy, as seen through its abundance of Pondoh Salak and Etawa goat milk commodities. Seeing this huge potential, the student group of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) 092 Public Services Program (KKN) held a training session to process Salak Pondoh (Snakefruit) into a fresh drink for local residents, on January 20th, 2020.

The Team Leader of KKN UMY Group 019, Akmal Rafi DMP stated that the training was held with the aim of improving the economy of the Candisari hamlet community. “The Candisari hamlet, which is the location of our Community Service Program, has considerable economic potential, especially in agriculture and animal husbandry. The Pondoh Salak and Etawa dairy goat commodity in this village is quite abundant, and if properly managed can improve the economy of the community,” he explained when contacted on Wednesday (5/2)

According to Akmal, The program is in line with the program created by their Field Supervising Lecturer, Sutrisno, SP, MP and his team, the Mranggen Tourism Village program. “Our program is a realization of the Mranggen villagers’ dream to support the Mranggen Tourism Village program by holding training to process Salak into fresh drinks such as Sari Buah Salak (Snakefruit Juice),” said the UMY Agribusiness again.

Meanwhile, the Head of Candisari Hamlet, Usup, hoped that the program could be taken to the next stage by promoting the Salak juice products. “Candisari can be developed into a food and beverage center. The location of Candisari hamlet is along one of the main paths taken by tourists who want to climb to Mount Merapi National Park. So the location of this Candisari hamlet has a good potential to be developed as a tourist village,” he said.

Usup pun berharap dengan terwujudnya program Desa Wisata yang dilengkapi dengan sentra produk makanan dan minuman tersebut, para wisatawan dapat menikmati program desa wisata yang mereka tawarkan. Serta bisa membeli produk olahan yang diproduksi oleh warga Dusun Candisari.

Usup also hopes that with the realization of the Tourism Village program which is equipped with a center for food and beverage products, tourists can enjoy the village tourism program they offer and buy items produced by residents of Candisari Hamlet.