Hundreds of students of Governmental Studies of UMY year 2014 joined Social day conducted by KOMAP UMY. In the event, students were obligated to carry out any activities of community service in 9 households (RT) in Ngebel, Tamantirto, Bantul.
The chief of Social Day 2014, Riska Arofah explained that the event aimed at implementing one of Tri Dharma Perguruaan Tinggi or Three Principles of Higher Education by students of Governmental Studies of UMY. Student joining the event, Riska continued, would conduct activities for two days such as political and health education, and low market for the society.
“The theme of this event is ‘From Students to Society’. There were various activities such as several socializations for the society. It aims at implementing Three Principles of Higher Education,” stated Riska in the opening of the event at UMY on Saturday (22/11).
Riska told that the annual event was the occasion for students to execute the knowledge they got during their study. Besides, it was expected to be able to prepare students to socialize to the society as early as possible. Thus, the student of Governmental Studies year 2012 continued, students would get back to society after they graduated.
The programs, made by each group of students in the event, were also hoped to be able to train students to be more creative in overcoming issues in the society when they had graduated.
“It was to implement knowledge they gain at class. After graduating, students will confront the society so that it is necessary to train them as early as possible,” Riska added.
The students’ activities in the two-day event from the 22nd to the 23rd of November, Riska maintained, would be assessed by external team. It would be the students’ mark for a subject of Introduction of Public Management. Hence, all the participants should provide the best service for the society which, in fact, became the appointed scoring standard.
Furthermore, the Head of Governmental Studies of UMY, Dr. Suranto, encouraged students to carry out the activities wholeheartedly in order to get a good score.
“In order to be carried out sincerely, you will be divided into each household. I hope that you will get value more than Social Day held by KOMAP, encouraged Suranto when officially opening the event.