
Librarians Are Expected to Be Authors

A librarian should be persistent to undergo all processes to be a good author. In a workshop on ‘Librarianship Writing for Librarians of Muhammadiyah- And Aisyiyah-Affiliated Higher Education of Yogyakarta’ conducted at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) cooperated with Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Universitas Ausyiyah (Unisa) on Saturday (2/11), Muh. Mursyid, a librarian of Emha Ainun Najib Library as well as the speaker, stated that being an author needs a process.

“Being an author is as becoming a swimmer. An author will not be successful if she/he only knows theories without practice,” he conveyed in the workshop attended by 33 librarians from those three universities.

He inserted that it does not require a gift to be an author, but it can be commenced by writing a simple thing. “Mood often becomes a reason for a librarian not to write. Adjust yourself to write, and writing will eventually be your habit,” he asserted.

He also mentioned several tips of how to be a good author. “Read a lot. You may read books or newspapers, observe others, gain experiences, join seminars, and look for resources from internet or others. These activities will assist you to find new ideas,” he inserted.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of Muhammadiyah Literature and Information, Widiastuti, told that librarians of Muhammadiyah- and Aisyiyah-affiliated universities should share their ideas one another. “They can publish their thoughts on official website of Muhammadiyah and  I hope that this workshop also can be organized for all librarians besides Muhammadiyah librarians.

Additionally, Chairperson of Forum of Muhammadiyah- and Aisyiyah-affiliated universities (FSPPMA) said that the workshop output was that the participants were expected to write which will be compiled on a book of Bunga Rampai Pustakwan Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and  will be launched in National Congress of FSPPTMA in March 2017 at UM Surakarta.