Peace School, collaboration between Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Perdana Global Peace Foundation (MGPS), the third Mahatir Global Peace School, was officially closed on Wednesday afternoon (10/12). Various ideas and scientific works from keynote speakers and 40 participants from various countries would be implemented in each country, particularly in resolving conflict and creating peace.
Head of PGPF, Tan Sri Norian Mai, delivered his remark of Closing Ceremony of the 3rd Mahatir Global Peace School “Migration, Border, & Global Peace” in Meeting Room of A.R. Fachruddin A of UMY on Wednesday afternoon (10/12). He stated that MGPS was not only an event joined by several people to gain new knowledge but it was more than that. It aimed at creating the same ideas from the participants to bring peace in their own country into reality. “We are eager to notice how peace is implemented in our own country since, if we only focus on the war without thinking the resolution to coin peace, without joint solution, it would not work. For another reason, the war is not utterly right,” he conveyed.
Hence, Tan Sri Mai invited all people to care about world peace and they should go to the pace to coin the peace. One of the ways was through an event like MGPS. “We have to take an action to create peace, but a few discuss and look at the obvious world peace. Thus, through the MGPS, we wish that the ideas created from this event would contribute apparently to the world peace,” he uttered.
A similar statement was mentioned by Hilman Latief, Ph.D. as the chief of scientific committee of MGPS. According to Hilman, the MGPS was one of the awareness of academicians, students, and governments from various countries toward the world. “This is one of our awareness of our dream to create world peace. We hope that, the activities and ideas coined in this event could be valuable for our future and world,” he said.
Nevertheless, Hilman argued that peace school or the MGPS was not the end of the effort to create peace in the world because there were other duties in the coming future after the MGPS. “This is not our last activity. There are other duties in the coming future after this MGPS. Tell to all the people in the country to where we belong to be peace agents wherever they are. Therefore, the world peace that we dream of would bring into reality,” he asserted.
In the closing of the third MGPS, all participants from 12 countries which are Germany, Australia, Thailand, Kenya, Cambodia, China, the Philippines, Sudan, Palestine, Turkey, Malaysia, and Indonesia, achieved award and certificate as alumni of the third MGPS.
The third MGPS carried out for 10 days, from the 1st to the 10th of December 2014, was also invited “the Father of Peace Studies”, Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung as one of the keynote speakers. In the class session of MGPS on Friday (5/11), he told that a new method to cope with and analyze conflict was through employing “triangular conflict and timeline”. This method was a technique presenting the development of the ongoing conflict and looking at conflict from various aspects like Direct Violence, Cultural Violence, and Structural Violence. For one reason, he argued that all the possibilities could be the trigger of conflict.