Murdoch University had the opportunity to visit Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) of UMY on Wednesday (06/02) in Study Hall MIP. The visit aimed to socialize the study program there and vice versa. The event was attended by the Dean of FISIPOL, Titin Purwaningsih, S.IP, M.Sc., Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Aswad Ishak, S.IP, MSi., Director of IPIREL Bambang Wahyu Nugroho, S.IP., MA, and executive director of corporation and international affairs Eko Priyo Purnomo, M.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D. along with representatives from Murdoch University, Jeffrey Wilson, B.Ec.Soc.Sci. (Hons) USyd, PhD ANU as Senior Lecturer of International Political Economy course, Ian Wilson, BA Hons (Murd), Phd Murd. Lecturer and Researcher from the Asian Research Center Murdoch University and Celia Cornwell
The dean of FISIPOL UMY, Dr. Titin Purwaningsih, S.IP, M.Si revealed that this visit was the first step in exploring cooperation between FISIPOL UMY and Murdoch University. “The study programs at FISIPOL such as International Relations, Government Science, and Communication Studies have had many cooperation with universities in abroad,” said Titin.
Titin added that FISIPOL UMY is required to be an excellent faculty in implementing the vision of UMY to become a worldwide university. To achieve it, Titin admitted that it is a necessary to have cooperation with other parties and cannot stand by itself. “This is important because of the necessity of join research, visiting professor, student exchange and other things. Hopefully today’s meeting can be followed up with the actual cooperation among Murdoch University with FISIPOL of UMY, “he explained.
On the same occasion, the executive director of corporation and international affairs Eko Priyo Purnomo, M.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D said that the assessment is focused on two areas: staff mobility and student mobility. “In this case, the purpose of the mobility staff itself can join conference as well as sending it to the level of strata 3 there, and student mobility has the target of sending both undergraduate and master students, “Eko continued.
Eko stated that Murdoch University has a research center which also has Indonesian center. Therefore, it is an honor for UMY which can establish cooperation with Murdoch University. It also shows that UMY is a reputable campus and Muhammadiyah University (PTM). “Also, they have about 20 master and doctoral students doing research about Indonesia, so that partnership between UMY with Murdoch University becomes its own pride,” he concluded.