
People of Surabaya Highly Appreciate a Film of Ki Bagus Hadikusumo Produced by a student of UMY

After launched in May, a film produced by students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) entitled ‘Toedjoeh Kata’ (Seven Words – ed) was premiered in Surabaya on 22 and 23 July 2017. The film telling about Ki Bagus Hadikusumo was played in two places, namely Go Hijrah Office and Madjid Al-Ikhlas.

A staff of Student and Alumni Development Office (LPKA) of UMY Dimas Widiarto told that high appreciation in Surabaya was showed by that a lot of people came watching and discussing the film with the film director, Bayu Seto. “First, the film was played at Go Hijrah in downtown Surabaya. The audiences varied such as lecturers, historians, journalists, youths, and others so that the discussion ran interactively that various arguments, appreciation, and critics of the motivation and reference of the film making,” told Dimas in an interview on Wednesday (26/7).

The film could be played in Surabaya due to cooperation among Muhammadiyah Multimedia (MM) Kine Klub, community of Go Hijrah, youth association of Al-Ikhlas, and Tabassum Emdee Foundation. “We were also supported by Komunitas Jejak Islam untuk Bangsa that raising youth’s interests in history of this nation and Islam. The film of ‘Toedjoeh Kata’ could be a medium to enhance public understanding of history. After the film discussion, it was noticed that there were differences of understanding of history between the New Order and post-reform generation,” stated Dimas.

Meanwhile, the film director as well as an International Relations student of batch 2013 Bayu Seto said that the film screening in the second day at Masjid Al-Ikhlas in Perak was also successful. Indeed, the audiences who are mostly youth and mosque community in Surabaya just knew history of Jakarta Charter and one of them asked what the seven words mean. “It can be understood since Muslims’ understanding of Jakarta Charter or national history tends to be marginal. This film can stimulate young generation to explore Muslims’ contribution to this nation,” declared Bayu.

‘Toedjoeh Kata’ is a docudrama telling what was behind an amendment of Jakarta Charter. The film focuses on the omitting of seven words on Jakarta Charter, ‘kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya’ (with the obligation to live according to Islamic law for Muslims). Besides, the film was produced as UMY’s participation in the 3rd Art Week of Muhammadiyah Higher Education in Jakarta in May. “In the Art Week, the film became the runner up and was highly appreciated by film enthusiasts so that it can be played in Surabaya. We will also have another film screening in Jakarta, Bandung, and other cities in Indonesia in the end of this year. In fact, this film has been passing to a semifinal round in Lake City Film Festival in the end of August in Oguta, Nigeria,” mentioned Bayu.