In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very important to conduct socialization about healthy living. In addition, Indonesia is now trying to enter a new normal phase. To prevent an increase in COVID-19 transmission numbers, all levels of society should work together to carry out a healthy living.
Based on this, the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Women’s Study Center (PSW UMY) chose to collaborate and hold a community service together with the Class 1 Child Development Institution (LPKA) for Kutoarjo. The collaboration that was held on Monday (6/27) carried the theme of COVID-19 Pandemic Challenge as an Opportunity to Improve the Skill and Entrepreneurship of Hand Washing Soap and Hand Sanitizer. The children from LPKA Class 1 Kutoarjo were given a variety of practice runs that can improve their skills.
In her opening statements, Herastini, S.H., MSi., The head of Kutoarjo’s Class 1 LPKA, expressed her hope that when these children had finished their courses, they could have their own ability to survive and could be useful to the surrounding community.
In addition to providing knowledge about hand soap and hand sanitizers, PSW UMY also provides children with materials and methods on how to make their own products. The Chairman of PSW UMY, Yoni Astuti, PhD., Revealed that this activity is a good opportunity for them to learn entrepreneurship hand soap and hand sanitizer has become a necessity in the community.
In addition to the debriefing, this activity was also filled with training in sales strategies, capital calculations and selling prices in entrepreneurship. The training was filled by a lecturer from STIE Putra Bangsa Kebumen, Eni Kaharti, S.E., M.Acc., AK., CA., ACPA., Who was a member of the collaborative team from PSW UMY. “In entrepreneurship, the most important thing is how to think about business continuity so that it still exists and can compete in the market,” she concluded. (ays)