
Rachmy Diana Received her Doctorate by Explaining the Role of Parents in Education in the Qur’an, Rachmy

Parent involvement is a major factor in the success of student character education in schools. The first education for children is education given by their parents in the family environment. Children who have a good family relationship will tend to be better educated at school, and if the child has a bad relationship with his family, they will tend to be less well educated at school. Through her dissertation on “The Effect of Positive Parenting and Personality Agreeableness on Parental Involvement in Student Character Education Through Religious Mediators”, R. Rachmy Diana, a Lecturer of the Psychology Department of the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities received her doctorate at an open session of doctoral promotion of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Psychology of Islamic Education Postgraduate Studies (PPI UMY) on Tuesday (21/01) in the Kasman Singodimedjo Buiding, UMY Central Campus.

In her dissertation presentation, Rachmy explained that parents should be involved in their children’s education at school. However, in Indonesia, many parents do not take part in their children’s education at school. “They surrendered their children to the school. Even at the higher levels of children’s education, the parents play even fewer roles in the children’s education. They feel that their children are grown up and can take care of their own business. At any level of their children’s education, the participation of parents in the education of their children, whether it is just in a student guardian meeting and regular monthly studies, is very important for them to understand the development of children in school through the homeroom teacher. This will greatly help parents in monitoring their children at school. Because sometimes children’s behavior at school and at home will tend to be different,” she explained.

“Islam teaches guidance in educating children, including in At-Tahrim verse 6 which reads” O ye faithful! Protect yourself and your family from the fires of hell which fuel is human and stone; which guardians are rough, hard angels who are not disobedient to God for what He commands them to do and always do what is commanded “. The responsibility to protect the family is on the shoulders of the parents. This is a great mandate for parents to carry out their role as parents in educating children, in this case specifically education, character or otherwise, for their children, “Rachmy added.

“Religious variables works very well in the mediation of positive parenting and personality agreeableness of the parents. the dimension of Akhlak (morals) is the strongest, in addition to the dimension of Iman (faith), Amal (charity), Ibadah (worship), and Ikhsan (Endeavour). These findings show that the most important thing regarding someone’s religious level is what they can realistically do, including good deeds in morals. Parents with good morals will be a good role model for the students. With the push of Akhlak, parents can be more motivated to play their role as the guardian of their children. I believe that the findings regarding the Akhlak dimension as the strongest dimension can encourage parent involvement in the world of education, Rachmy added.

Rachmy graduated as the 112th doctor of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with a GPA of 3.92, however, due to her extended study time of 6 years, she was not given a cum laude title. (ads)