
TBO SEDATIF UMY Trained Dermojurang Youth Group in Disaster Awareness

The SEDATIF Drug Assistance Team (TBO) of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Pharmacy Study Program (FKIK UMY) held a counselling activity about disasters. The youth group of Dermojurang Village, Seloharjo, Pundong, Bantul Regency, Sunday (1/26) had the opportunity to participate in the event titled Youth Disaster Response.

The leader of SEDATIF, Luhtanty Istiqomah explained that this activity included materials that were delivered by lecturers of the Pharmacy Study Program and expert practitioners in the field of disaster.

The material for Disaster Risk Reduction (PRB) was filled by Mahujud Shositahhady, S. Sos. M. Si, from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). Lecturers of the Pharmacy Study Program Aji Winanta, M.Sc., Apt., and MT Ghozali, M.Sc., Apt had the opportunity to deliver material on Evacuation for Disaster Victims. Then, Mega Octavia, M.Sc., Apt and Vella Lailli Damarwati, M.Farm. Apt provided material in the form of Basic Life Aid and Post Disaster Management.

“This activity aims to increase community preparedness in facing possible disasters. In addition, Dermojurang Village has a history of floods and landslides in 2019. Therefore, TBO SEDATIF of FKIK UMY held a disaster counselling activity in the village,” Luhtanty said when met on Monday (10/2).

This activity is divided into two methods, namely the provision of material and small discussion groups. Before the material begins, residents are given a pre-test about “Basic Life Assistance”. Then, each guest speaker delivered the material and the 21 participants who participated in the activity were very enthusiastic about the material.

“Every expert managed to create an exciting, relaxed, but clear atmosphere when delivering material so the villagers felt close to the experts. Furthermore, Dermojurang Village youth and TBO SEDATIF Pharmacy members of FKIK UMY created three small groups to discuss and practice evacuating disaster victims and conduct Basic Life Assistance such as Lung and Heart Resuscitation to disaster victims, “added the Secretary of SEDATIF TBO Melany Ayu Octavia.

Before this activity was closed, residents were given a post-test about “Basic Life Support”. The results obtained show  significant increase in residents’ knowledge of basic living assistance. After they listened to the explanation from the speakers who delivered the material, conducted group discussions, and group practices, the event was closed by giving certificates and placards to each guest speaker. (ak)